She walked in and said she
didn't wanna know
Before i could ask why she
was gone out the door
I didn't know, what I did wrong
But now i just can't move on
Since she left me
She told me
Don't worry
You'll be OK you don't need me
Believe me you'll be fine
Then i knew what she meant
And it's not what she said
Now i can't believe that she's gone
I tried calling her up on her phone
No one's there,
I've left messages after the tone...
Yeah man loads
I didn't know, what i did wrong
But now i just can't move on
Rabu, 29 Desember 2010
[INTERVIEW] Xabi Alonso
Interviewer: “As soon as you adapt, you ’re at the end of the road.”
Alonso: “Yes, and the truth is that it doesn ’t cost me. I left Donostia (San Sebastian) intending to learn about the whole country to which I was transferring. I had the advantage that this club gives you everything you need and also that I could handle myself in English. Language is fundamental and it ’s also important that you don’t just keep to people who speak Spanish.”
Interviewer: “But those Japanese dinners at Pepe Reina‘s house don’t count.”
Alonso: “No, ha ha, they’re a delight. I’ve adapted to a lot of English customs, but not to the food. I can ’t do it. And I can’t do the schedules either, this business of dinner at six o ’clock. I miss pinchos (a Basque food, bread and meat, held together with a stick, or pincho ‘“ Spanish ‘˜thorn) and fish! But I can deal with it. The family come and go and my pantry is always full.”
Interviewer: “With Reina it’s impossible to be bored, of course.”
Alonso: “He’s hyperactive, too much! All of Spain knows it after the Euros. It ’s tremendous the number of friends that visit him and bring him food. Pepe is in a class by himself.”
Interviewer: “And among the group of you, who is the serious one?”
Alonso: “Fernando Torres. When he has to smile, he smiles, but he ’s one of those people who listens and takes in everything around him. Riera is another special case: he suffered some problems adjusting. Ha ha, After a couple days he was talking with the whole world. And Arbeloa is friendly.”
Interviewer: “How is a typical day for you?”
Alonso: “Very quiet. Training, lunch with the team, and back home. And now, ten months with my first son, Jon. In the afternoon, a walk with my girlfriend and son, a cup of coffee. Nothing like what we used to do in Donostia: start do one thing, and then another thing and another. When you ’re outside, you relax less.”
Interviewer: “Jon is left-handed?”
Alonso: “I believe he’s going to be right-handed. Like most.”
Interviewer: “And the grandfather, Periko, what does he say?”
Alonso: “It’s his first grandson, so the dribble falls on him. My mother says that she does things with him that she did with us, her children.”
Interviewer: “There was a time that you were very close to doing to Madrid. Why didn ’t the transfer go through?”
Alonso: “They talked with Madrid, but there was no agreement between the clubs. Then Liverpool came and after a short time, we reached an agreement. I understood their seriousness and discovered they are a fantastic club. They have everything that a player could wish for and a lot of enchantment in their surroundings.”
Interviewer: “For example?”
Alonso: “Their history, their fans, the same stadium. If you love football, Liverpool is pure football, a friendly club. Anyone will tell you about the past: anecdotes, victories, defeats. The way people talk about the club is very emotional. Kenny Dalglish is god here. When he appears in the stadium, the respect and admiration that he receives makes your hair stand on end. I ’m sure that when I return to Spain after some years, I will always feel that intimate feeling of the ‘œReds .’� I will be here at least three more years.”
Ah I miss Xabi Alonso wears Reds kit :)
Alonso: “Yes, and the truth is that it doesn ’t cost me. I left Donostia (San Sebastian) intending to learn about the whole country to which I was transferring. I had the advantage that this club gives you everything you need and also that I could handle myself in English. Language is fundamental and it ’s also important that you don’t just keep to people who speak Spanish.”
Interviewer: “But those Japanese dinners at Pepe Reina‘s house don’t count.”
Alonso: “No, ha ha, they’re a delight. I’ve adapted to a lot of English customs, but not to the food. I can ’t do it. And I can’t do the schedules either, this business of dinner at six o ’clock. I miss pinchos (a Basque food, bread and meat, held together with a stick, or pincho ‘“ Spanish ‘˜thorn) and fish! But I can deal with it. The family come and go and my pantry is always full.”
Interviewer: “With Reina it’s impossible to be bored, of course.”
Alonso: “He’s hyperactive, too much! All of Spain knows it after the Euros. It ’s tremendous the number of friends that visit him and bring him food. Pepe is in a class by himself.”
Interviewer: “And among the group of you, who is the serious one?”
Alonso: “Fernando Torres. When he has to smile, he smiles, but he ’s one of those people who listens and takes in everything around him. Riera is another special case: he suffered some problems adjusting. Ha ha, After a couple days he was talking with the whole world. And Arbeloa is friendly.”
Interviewer: “How is a typical day for you?”
Alonso: “Very quiet. Training, lunch with the team, and back home. And now, ten months with my first son, Jon. In the afternoon, a walk with my girlfriend and son, a cup of coffee. Nothing like what we used to do in Donostia: start do one thing, and then another thing and another. When you ’re outside, you relax less.”
Interviewer: “Jon is left-handed?”
Alonso: “I believe he’s going to be right-handed. Like most.”
Interviewer: “And the grandfather, Periko, what does he say?”
Alonso: “It’s his first grandson, so the dribble falls on him. My mother says that she does things with him that she did with us, her children.”
Interviewer: “There was a time that you were very close to doing to Madrid. Why didn ’t the transfer go through?”
Alonso: “They talked with Madrid, but there was no agreement between the clubs. Then Liverpool came and after a short time, we reached an agreement. I understood their seriousness and discovered they are a fantastic club. They have everything that a player could wish for and a lot of enchantment in their surroundings.”
Interviewer: “For example?”
Alonso: “Their history, their fans, the same stadium. If you love football, Liverpool is pure football, a friendly club. Anyone will tell you about the past: anecdotes, victories, defeats. The way people talk about the club is very emotional. Kenny Dalglish is god here. When he appears in the stadium, the respect and admiration that he receives makes your hair stand on end. I ’m sure that when I return to Spain after some years, I will always feel that intimate feeling of the ‘œReds .’� I will be here at least three more years.”
Ah I miss Xabi Alonso wears Reds kit :)
[LYRIC] Don't Stop Believing by Glee Cast
Just a small town girl
livin’ in a lonely world
She took the midnight train
goin’ anywhere
Just a city boy fun and raised in South Detroit
He took the midnight train
goin’ anywhere
A singer in a smoky room
The smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on
Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the nights
Streetlights people
Living just to find emotion
Hiding somewhere in the nights
Working hard to get my fill
Everybody wants a thrill
Payin’ anything to roll the dice
Just one more time
Some will win some will lose
Some are born to sing the blues
And now the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on
Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the nights
Streetlights people
Living just to find emotion
Hiding somewhere in the nights
Don’t stop believin
Hold on to that feelin’
Streetlight people
Don’t stop believin’
Hold on to that feelin’
Streetlight people
Don’t stop!
livin’ in a lonely world
She took the midnight train
goin’ anywhere
Just a city boy fun and raised in South Detroit
He took the midnight train
goin’ anywhere
A singer in a smoky room
The smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on
Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the nights
Streetlights people
Living just to find emotion
Hiding somewhere in the nights
Working hard to get my fill
Everybody wants a thrill
Payin’ anything to roll the dice
Just one more time
Some will win some will lose
Some are born to sing the blues
And now the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on
Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching in the nights
Streetlights people
Living just to find emotion
Hiding somewhere in the nights
Don’t stop believin
Hold on to that feelin’
Streetlight people
Don’t stop believin’
Hold on to that feelin’
Streetlight people
Don’t stop!
[LYRIC] Biarlah by Killms (Killing Me Inside)
Semua yang berlalu
Tlah menjadi kenangan
Yang seakan kulupakan
Karna ku tak sejalan
Dan tak mungkin ku bertahan
Meski telah kucoba
Semuanya tak berguna
Terbuang sia sia
Dirimu di hatiku sudah terlalu lama
Biarlah ku mencoba
Untuk tinggalkan semua
Dan tak mungkin ku bertahan
Meski telah kucoba
Semuanya tak berguna
Terbuang sia sia
Dirimu di hatiku sudah terlalu lama
Biarlah ku mencoba
Untuk tinggalkan semua
Tlah menjadi kenangan
Yang seakan kulupakan
Karna ku tak sejalan
Dan tak mungkin ku bertahan
Meski telah kucoba
Semuanya tak berguna
Terbuang sia sia
Dirimu di hatiku sudah terlalu lama
Biarlah ku mencoba
Untuk tinggalkan semua
Dan tak mungkin ku bertahan
Meski telah kucoba
Semuanya tak berguna
Terbuang sia sia
Dirimu di hatiku sudah terlalu lama
Biarlah ku mencoba
Untuk tinggalkan semua
♥ t(w)oday(s)
Isma's gotta love t(w)oday(s)…
yes. .but why?
I passed the big exam !!! Yay !!
What kind of exam??
Competency test!
Yep! Tanggal 27-28 Desember saya bersama murid² akuntansi lain di sekolah saya ikut uji kompetensi yang diadakan sama LSP (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi).
Hari pertama bener² marathon dah, nyaris 10 jam ngerjain soal.
:27 Desember:
08.00 - 10.30 → “Mengelola Buku Jurnal” → soalnya bener² dah ga pernah aku temuin sebelumnya. Baru transaksi nomer 1 aja aku ga bisa. Keringat dingin keluar dah! Sigh! Jawab sebisaku aja deh.
10.30 - 10.45 → istirahat
10.45 - 12.15 → “Mengelola Buku Besar” → oke ini gampang "cuma" modal ketelitian. Kerjanya cuma posting doang. Trial Balance-ku saldonya seimbang. Yay! Alhamdulillah…
12.15 - 13.15 → ishoma
13.15 - 16.15 → “Menyelesaikan Siklus Akuntansi” → oke ini yang paling sulit! Sigh! Kerjaannya banyaaaaak bgd. Bikin Adjustment, ngisi Worksheet, nyari PKP, ngitung tarif pajak, bikin Income Statement, Retained Earning Statement, Balance Sheet, Closing, posting ke Buku Besar, bikin Post Closing Trial Balance. Untuuung ga ada Rekonsiliasi Bank sama Cash Flow. Yay! \m/
16.15 - 16.30 → istirahat
16.30 - 17.15 → Ujian Teori → 50 soal. Ah elaaah kepala saya udah pusing, mata udah meleng, kerjain aja tuh seenak hati asal selesai trus pulang. Tanpa dikoreksi loh! Aku cuma sekali nyoret option langsung capcus pulang. Udeh pusing banget!!
:28 Desember:
08.30 - 10.00 → Wawancara → intinya saya ga bisa! Jawab seenak mulut saya. Haha. Au ah yang penting selesai \m/
10.00 - 13.30 → nunggu assesor selesai kasih penilaian. Tiduran di mushola sama temen² seperjuangan. Yay!
13.30 - selesai → masuk ke ruangan. Dikasih putusan sama assesor. Awalnya mah ga deg²an tapi begitu ngeliat wajah temen² lain pada tegang jadi bikin aku ikutan tegang. Akhirnya assesor manggil satu² karena hasil ujian bersifat personal. Tiba giliranku :
Assesor : “di rumah punya sodara ga?”
Aku : “punya”
Assesor : “anak keberapa?”
Aku : “pertama”
Assesor : “adiknya laki² atau perempuan?”
Aku : “laki²”
Assesor : “anak pertama harus jadi pemimpin yah. Ini lihat nilai kamu. 84=kompeten; 86=kompeten; 84=kompeten; 96=kompeten; 77=kompeten. Jadi nilai kamu kompeten semua. Selamat!”
Aku : “makasih pak” yes yes yes…
Keluar dari ruangan trus "happy dance" sama temen² seperjuangan. Alhamdulillah ya Allah, sekali lagi Engkau berikan kenikmatan yang luar biasa bagi hidup hamba. Tak sia² lah pengorbanan Hamba untuk sekolah pas hari libur dan uang 360ribu buat bayar ujian. Aku akan dapat sertifikat KOMPETEN! Yay! \m/ love t(w)oday(s)
yes. .but why?
I passed the big exam !!! Yay !!
What kind of exam??
Competency test!
Yep! Tanggal 27-28 Desember saya bersama murid² akuntansi lain di sekolah saya ikut uji kompetensi yang diadakan sama LSP (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi).
Hari pertama bener² marathon dah, nyaris 10 jam ngerjain soal.
:27 Desember:
08.00 - 10.30 → “Mengelola Buku Jurnal” → soalnya bener² dah ga pernah aku temuin sebelumnya. Baru transaksi nomer 1 aja aku ga bisa. Keringat dingin keluar dah! Sigh! Jawab sebisaku aja deh.
10.30 - 10.45 → istirahat
10.45 - 12.15 → “Mengelola Buku Besar” → oke ini gampang "cuma" modal ketelitian. Kerjanya cuma posting doang. Trial Balance-ku saldonya seimbang. Yay! Alhamdulillah…
12.15 - 13.15 → ishoma
13.15 - 16.15 → “Menyelesaikan Siklus Akuntansi” → oke ini yang paling sulit! Sigh! Kerjaannya banyaaaaak bgd. Bikin Adjustment, ngisi Worksheet, nyari PKP, ngitung tarif pajak, bikin Income Statement, Retained Earning Statement, Balance Sheet, Closing, posting ke Buku Besar, bikin Post Closing Trial Balance. Untuuung ga ada Rekonsiliasi Bank sama Cash Flow. Yay! \m/
16.15 - 16.30 → istirahat
16.30 - 17.15 → Ujian Teori → 50 soal. Ah elaaah kepala saya udah pusing, mata udah meleng, kerjain aja tuh seenak hati asal selesai trus pulang. Tanpa dikoreksi loh! Aku cuma sekali nyoret option langsung capcus pulang. Udeh pusing banget!!
:28 Desember:
08.30 - 10.00 → Wawancara → intinya saya ga bisa! Jawab seenak mulut saya. Haha. Au ah yang penting selesai \m/
10.00 - 13.30 → nunggu assesor selesai kasih penilaian. Tiduran di mushola sama temen² seperjuangan. Yay!
13.30 - selesai → masuk ke ruangan. Dikasih putusan sama assesor. Awalnya mah ga deg²an tapi begitu ngeliat wajah temen² lain pada tegang jadi bikin aku ikutan tegang. Akhirnya assesor manggil satu² karena hasil ujian bersifat personal. Tiba giliranku :
Assesor : “di rumah punya sodara ga?”
Aku : “punya”
Assesor : “anak keberapa?”
Aku : “pertama”
Assesor : “adiknya laki² atau perempuan?”
Aku : “laki²”
Assesor : “anak pertama harus jadi pemimpin yah. Ini lihat nilai kamu. 84=kompeten; 86=kompeten; 84=kompeten; 96=kompeten; 77=kompeten. Jadi nilai kamu kompeten semua. Selamat!”
Aku : “makasih pak” yes yes yes…
Keluar dari ruangan trus "happy dance" sama temen² seperjuangan. Alhamdulillah ya Allah, sekali lagi Engkau berikan kenikmatan yang luar biasa bagi hidup hamba. Tak sia² lah pengorbanan Hamba untuk sekolah pas hari libur dan uang 360ribu buat bayar ujian. Aku akan dapat sertifikat KOMPETEN! Yay! \m/ love t(w)oday(s)
Minggu, 26 Desember 2010
Memilih Teman Curhat
Entah kesambet makanan apa sampe saya mau bahas ini. Well, semua orang pasti punya masalah, kan? Terkadang kita butuh teman untuk berbagi, memberi solusi, atau sekadar minta didengarkan. Karena masalah yang dipendam itu ga akan baik buat diri kita sendiri.
Tapi kita juga harus pinter² milih teman curhat. Teman curhat yang baik adalah orang yang bisa mendengarkan dan (sebaiknya) bisa memberi solusi.
Saya punya pengalaman, curhat sama 3 orang yang berbeda (tbh saya tukang curhat) dengan 1 masalah yang sama. Tapi mereka punya tipe yang berbeda.
Tipe 1 :
temen saya ini udah cukup dekat sama saya. Dia melihat masalah dari sisi saya makanya dia seolah membenarkan semua argumen saya. Tbh, orang yang seperti inilah yang saya suka. Orang yang membela saya. Haha. Tapi sebenernya teman curhat macam ini malah bikin saya makin arogan sama egois, bikin saya mikir bahwa saya yang selalu benar. Heheh…
Tipe 2 :
temen yang satu ini juga udah lumayan deket sama saya, tapi dia melihat masalah dari sisi yang berlawanan. Jadi seolah² saya yang selalu salah. Dia ga pernah membenarkan argumen saya. Tipe yang kek gini yang bikin saya males curhat. Tapi sebenernya bagus juga biar saya ga mikir egois dan berkaca mungkin memang benar saya yang salah. Tapi tetep aja curhat ma temen yang punya tipe 2 malah ga bikin hati jadi adem.
Tipe 3 :
Nah yang satu ini bukanlah temen deket saya. Istilahnya dia cuma teman biasa tapi secara ga sengaja saya bicara soal masalah saya. Orang ini melihat masalah dari 2 sisi. Dia kasih 2 pandangan, awalnya dari sisi berlawanan terus dia melihat dari sisi saya dan bilang ga salah juga kalo saya ngerasa demikian. Yah intinya orang ini ga menyalahkan tapi juga ga membenarkan argumen saya. Dan temen curhat yang macam inilah yang baik. Dia ngasih argumen dari sisi berlawanan biar saya bisa introspeksi diri dan juga melihat dari sisi saya biar seolah² dia juga ngerasain apa yang saya rasakan, dan hal itu memang wajar.
So, sebaiknya cari teman curhat yang tipe 3. Tapi tergantung pikiran masing² sih. Tapi kalo milih temen curhat tipe 1 justru bikin kamu ga dewasa. Kalo milih temen curhat tipe 2 malah bikin kamu ngerasa rendah diri dan serba salah. Yeap it depends your needs.
Tapi kita juga harus pinter² milih teman curhat. Teman curhat yang baik adalah orang yang bisa mendengarkan dan (sebaiknya) bisa memberi solusi.
Saya punya pengalaman, curhat sama 3 orang yang berbeda (tbh saya tukang curhat) dengan 1 masalah yang sama. Tapi mereka punya tipe yang berbeda.
Tipe 1 :
temen saya ini udah cukup dekat sama saya. Dia melihat masalah dari sisi saya makanya dia seolah membenarkan semua argumen saya. Tbh, orang yang seperti inilah yang saya suka. Orang yang membela saya. Haha. Tapi sebenernya teman curhat macam ini malah bikin saya makin arogan sama egois, bikin saya mikir bahwa saya yang selalu benar. Heheh…
Tipe 2 :
temen yang satu ini juga udah lumayan deket sama saya, tapi dia melihat masalah dari sisi yang berlawanan. Jadi seolah² saya yang selalu salah. Dia ga pernah membenarkan argumen saya. Tipe yang kek gini yang bikin saya males curhat. Tapi sebenernya bagus juga biar saya ga mikir egois dan berkaca mungkin memang benar saya yang salah. Tapi tetep aja curhat ma temen yang punya tipe 2 malah ga bikin hati jadi adem.
Tipe 3 :
Nah yang satu ini bukanlah temen deket saya. Istilahnya dia cuma teman biasa tapi secara ga sengaja saya bicara soal masalah saya. Orang ini melihat masalah dari 2 sisi. Dia kasih 2 pandangan, awalnya dari sisi berlawanan terus dia melihat dari sisi saya dan bilang ga salah juga kalo saya ngerasa demikian. Yah intinya orang ini ga menyalahkan tapi juga ga membenarkan argumen saya. Dan temen curhat yang macam inilah yang baik. Dia ngasih argumen dari sisi berlawanan biar saya bisa introspeksi diri dan juga melihat dari sisi saya biar seolah² dia juga ngerasain apa yang saya rasakan, dan hal itu memang wajar.
So, sebaiknya cari teman curhat yang tipe 3. Tapi tergantung pikiran masing² sih. Tapi kalo milih temen curhat tipe 1 justru bikin kamu ga dewasa. Kalo milih temen curhat tipe 2 malah bikin kamu ngerasa rendah diri dan serba salah. Yeap it depends your needs.
[INTERVIEW] Fernando Torres
Interviewer: So playing for Liverpool is a relief?
Torres: Yes, and a pleasure. It’s a relief because in any game you feel like any number of your team-mates can step forward and win the match for you. Benayoun, Babel, Voronin … you don’t feel that it has to be you or everything is going to collapse. You know that if you’re having a bad day, the team can still win – something I didn’t always feel at Atléti. You travel to games thinking you’re going to win and that was something I needed: I needed
to get into the habit of feeling I was part of a big team, with ambition, that people respected.
Interviewer: Why Liverpool?
Torres: Liverpool have always been a club with a mentality, an identity, that I like. They are a club trabajador [humble, hard working, people ’s club]. They are a team that maybe doesn ’t have as many stars as other clubs but it has traditionally been as successful, or more so, because of the attitude, the values, the mentality. Liverpool are a huge club but with a humility about them that attracted me. Liverpool haven ’t won the Premier League for a long time, but they ’ve had success and still have a real ambition to win things. That was the perfect combination: a
successful, big club but one that still had real hunger. That ’s not easy to find…
Interviewer: How important was the presence of other Spaniards?
Torres: I knew Pepe Reina, Xabi Alonso, and Alvaro Arbeloa and I knew adapting would
be easier because of that. I ’d always talked to Reina about England – Cesc, too. I asked them about the way they play, the atmosphere, life here, the way the fans treat you. Life in Liverpool is great. It ’s very relaxed, people are very respectful of you. I like the football too: it ’s fast, there’s lots of contact, and I’ve settled well.
Interviewer: Does your style suit the Premier League, more so than La Liga even?
Torres: Because the football here is fast and powerful, because you can ’t switch off for a minute, it suits me. Every time you get the ball, there’s a chance of scoring.
In Spain it’s different: it’s
slower, there are more touches, the game stops more. I used to watch English football and I always thought I could fit in. Now I’m here I’m enjoying it enormously. It’s been even better than I expected.
Interviewer: Have you had to change your game at all?
Torres: The biggest change is the fact that I play further up front, more as a No. 9. In England, I don ’t have to drop deep as much to help build the moves. In England the ball drops in and around the penalty more, so you have to be more alert to that rather than worrying so much about playing a part in the move. The game is more direct here and I like that: I ’m always a few metres further forward, which means you get more chances to score, even if you feel like you ’re not as involved in the game. I feel more comfortable here as a proper No. 9 trying to get in behind defences, looking to be on the shoulder of the last defender, getting chances, running through.
Torres: Yes, and a pleasure. It’s a relief because in any game you feel like any number of your team-mates can step forward and win the match for you. Benayoun, Babel, Voronin … you don’t feel that it has to be you or everything is going to collapse. You know that if you’re having a bad day, the team can still win – something I didn’t always feel at Atléti. You travel to games thinking you’re going to win and that was something I needed: I needed
to get into the habit of feeling I was part of a big team, with ambition, that people respected.
Interviewer: Why Liverpool?
Torres: Liverpool have always been a club with a mentality, an identity, that I like. They are a club trabajador [humble, hard working, people ’s club]. They are a team that maybe doesn ’t have as many stars as other clubs but it has traditionally been as successful, or more so, because of the attitude, the values, the mentality. Liverpool are a huge club but with a humility about them that attracted me. Liverpool haven ’t won the Premier League for a long time, but they ’ve had success and still have a real ambition to win things. That was the perfect combination: a
successful, big club but one that still had real hunger. That ’s not easy to find…
Interviewer: How important was the presence of other Spaniards?
Torres: I knew Pepe Reina, Xabi Alonso, and Alvaro Arbeloa and I knew adapting would
be easier because of that. I ’d always talked to Reina about England – Cesc, too. I asked them about the way they play, the atmosphere, life here, the way the fans treat you. Life in Liverpool is great. It ’s very relaxed, people are very respectful of you. I like the football too: it ’s fast, there’s lots of contact, and I’ve settled well.
Interviewer: Does your style suit the Premier League, more so than La Liga even?
Torres: Because the football here is fast and powerful, because you can ’t switch off for a minute, it suits me. Every time you get the ball, there’s a chance of scoring.
In Spain it’s different: it’s
slower, there are more touches, the game stops more. I used to watch English football and I always thought I could fit in. Now I’m here I’m enjoying it enormously. It’s been even better than I expected.
Interviewer: Have you had to change your game at all?
Torres: The biggest change is the fact that I play further up front, more as a No. 9. In England, I don ’t have to drop deep as much to help build the moves. In England the ball drops in and around the penalty more, so you have to be more alert to that rather than worrying so much about playing a part in the move. The game is more direct here and I like that: I ’m always a few metres further forward, which means you get more chances to score, even if you feel like you ’re not as involved in the game. I feel more comfortable here as a proper No. 9 trying to get in behind defences, looking to be on the shoulder of the last defender, getting chances, running through.
[QUOTES] Fernando Torres
“He was very naughty and very lucky. One day the teacher caught him copying and she said: “It doesn’t matter, but don’t do it again”. And all because of his pretty face. The rest of the class complained because he got off, but nothing happened.” — Elias, Fernando Torres’ friend
[QUOTES] Martin Kelly
“But this is Liverpool, the club I’ve always wanted to play for since I was a kid and I don ’t want to leave here.”— Martin Kelly
Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010
Dua Ribu Sepuluh Part. 2
Juli: harusnya bulan ini jadi liburan panjang saya, tapi apa daya organisasi sibuk persiapan MOS! Ah elaaah.. Lagi libur disuruh berangkat! Maleeeees banged.. Tapi ada pengobat nyesek, yakni Spain National Team JUARA DUNIA. Eh gewla JUARA DUNIA sodara²!! Semua temen² saya pada ikut ngerayain padahal mereka bukan gibol. *ih! Eh di bulan ini dapet berita, angkatan saya disuruh MAGANG LAGI!! MAGANG LAGI sodara²!!! aseeeemmm…
Agustus: re-organisasi lah. Ini jadi event terakhir saya di organisasi ini. Akhirnyaaa… saya dapet tempat magang yang lumayan banyak temennya. Yeah! Kali ini magang di dept. store. Beda banget sama pas kelas XI magang di bank. Saya harus ngejalanin magang pas bulan puasa full. 8 jam per hari buat shift 1 dan 7 jam buat shift 2. Aaaaaaaa.. Ga pernah aku ngalamin yang kek gini. Capeeee bgd! Yah yang namanya kerja, mana ada yang ga cape? Jalani lah dengan hati yang ikhlas tapi tetep aja aku ga ikhlas! Tapi lumayan juga magang di dept. store ketemunya orang² high level yang tentunya, ehm, good looking, heheh :P
September: masih magang di dept. store. Satu setengah bulan sodara², cuma dapet 2 hari buat ngerayain lebaran. Ngenes bgd!!!
Oktober: mid-test! ah elaaah menambahi beban aja nih yang satu ini. males bahas.
November: UAS. tambah males bahaaaaas!! Intinya hidup saya makin sengsara deh macam mana ni…
Desember: ujian LSP (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi). Baru mau dijalanin. Libur semester kali ini justru buat belajar lebih keras trus ujian. Mamaaah apa aku kuat yah?! Stres dah lama²
Intinya tahun 2010 ga ada libur bagi saya… "indah" ya???!
Resolusi 2011 :
Seperti resolusinya kakak ganteng, aku mau belajar lebih keras sama cari kerja, aku tambahin LULUS UJIAN 2011. Amin… aku mau kerja aja deh, walaupun masih 17 tahun tapi udah lumayan dapet pengalaman magang di bank sama dept. store. Kalo pun nantinya udah mampu, aku mau kuliah. Amin… doain yah^^
Agustus: re-organisasi lah. Ini jadi event terakhir saya di organisasi ini. Akhirnyaaa… saya dapet tempat magang yang lumayan banyak temennya. Yeah! Kali ini magang di dept. store. Beda banget sama pas kelas XI magang di bank. Saya harus ngejalanin magang pas bulan puasa full. 8 jam per hari buat shift 1 dan 7 jam buat shift 2. Aaaaaaaa.. Ga pernah aku ngalamin yang kek gini. Capeeee bgd! Yah yang namanya kerja, mana ada yang ga cape? Jalani lah dengan hati yang ikhlas tapi tetep aja aku ga ikhlas! Tapi lumayan juga magang di dept. store ketemunya orang² high level yang tentunya, ehm, good looking, heheh :P
September: masih magang di dept. store. Satu setengah bulan sodara², cuma dapet 2 hari buat ngerayain lebaran. Ngenes bgd!!!
Oktober: mid-test! ah elaaah menambahi beban aja nih yang satu ini. males bahas.
November: UAS. tambah males bahaaaaas!! Intinya hidup saya makin sengsara deh macam mana ni…
Desember: ujian LSP (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi). Baru mau dijalanin. Libur semester kali ini justru buat belajar lebih keras trus ujian. Mamaaah apa aku kuat yah?! Stres dah lama²
Intinya tahun 2010 ga ada libur bagi saya… "indah" ya???!
Resolusi 2011 :
Seperti resolusinya kakak ganteng, aku mau belajar lebih keras sama cari kerja, aku tambahin LULUS UJIAN 2011. Amin… aku mau kerja aja deh, walaupun masih 17 tahun tapi udah lumayan dapet pengalaman magang di bank sama dept. store. Kalo pun nantinya udah mampu, aku mau kuliah. Amin… doain yah^^
Dua Ribu Sepuluh Part. 1
Ini udah Desember aja ya.. Perasaan baru kemaren saya ngerasain 31 Desember nangkring di facebook, chatting sama temen² di sana, kenalan sama bule² baru, dan yang paling berkesan adalah akunnya EOTK yang tiap jam update “it is 2010 in ...” sampe dia bilang “all countries are standing in 2010” ohoho^^
Intinya tahun baru kemaren aku ga kemana² sama seperti tahun² sebelumnya. Nongkrong di dunia maya udah bikin hidup saya cukup lengkap.
Gak kerasa ini udah di ujung 2010. Ya Allah, waktu berjalan begitu cepat, banyak hal yang belum sanggup aku perbuat di tahun ini. Tapi Alhamdulillah saya masih diberi umur melewati bulan Ramadhan, Lebaran, Idul Adha, sampe kemarin tahun baru hijriyah..
Btw, saya kepikiran buat flashback deh dari awal tahun ini..
Januari: adaptasi lagi di sekolah.. Bulan ini saya balik ke sekolah setelah prakerin/magang 2 bulan. Sebenernya selesai magang bulan November tapi Desember langsung UAS jadi ga gitu "ngeh" di sekolah. Di bulan ini saya coba ngenalin adik² kelas yang baru pernah dijumpai kurang dari 3 bulan hehe.. Intinya Januari berjalan biasaaa..
Februari: sama seperti Januari ga ada hal istimewa, cuma nyoba ngenalin lingkungan sekitar aja, sambil garap² laporan magang. Aku sih ga bikin tuh laporan yah soalnya ada yang lebih rajin heheh.. Daan rambut saya dipotong pendek bgd di bulan ini. Traumatis mamah.. Ga lagi² deh potong pendek segini..
Maret: ikutan lomba mapel di SMA 5 dan saya dapet pengalaman sangat berkesan. Bayangkan, ada orang yang baru dikenal mau nungguin saya lomba padahal lomba yang dia ikutin udah selesai.. Ck ck.. Ternyata dia temennya temen SMP saya hehe.. Ah sudahlaah!
April: organisasi saya mulai sibuk. Di sinilah event² sekolah mulai diadain. Perayaan RA Kartini dimana cewe² dari tiap kelas berdandan pake kebaya berkontes macam Puteri Indonesia haha. Saya jadi panitianya waktu itu.
Mei: melanjutkan April. Di sini ada event Pensi sama Perpisahan. Sumpah cape bangeeet.. Pas Pensi sih aku milih kabur dah soalnya aku males nginep. Tapi gewla di Pensi ini aku nemu replikanya Zacky Vengeance yang mirip Stefan William wk wk :P ah abaikan. Di event perpisahan aku jadi bendahara, tiap istirahat muter² sekolah narikin duit per kelas. Cape jua yaa jadi tukang tagih. Dari atasan di suruh "narik" dana secepatnya tapi dari siswa² yang "ditarik" malah pada ngeles pake marah² sama saya. Kan saya cuma jalanin tugas, mba, mas.. Pensi sama Perpisahan selesai, tinggal SEMINAR MAGANG! Yap. Sibuk nyelesaiin laporan magang, minta di acc sama pembimbing sama instansi, uhuhu.. Cukup menderita! Trus pas lagi SEMINAR, saya sama temen² seperjuangan abis²an tampil biar dapet nilai tinggi. Ternyata yang kita takutin macam dikasih pertanyaan sulit tuh ga terjadi. Prinsipnya, audiens ga ngerti apa² tentang isi laporan, sementara kita sebagai penyaji sangat menguasai isi laporan, tapi tetap aja ada tim penilai yang tentunya menguasai "kompetisi". Pokoknya, selama kamu lancar menjawab pertanyaan (meski itu salah) penilai pasti kasih skor yang lumayan. Semangat deh pokoknya!
Juni: UAS! Kyaaa! Siap ga siap harus dilakoni juga. Nilai saya intinya ga lebih baik dari semester 1. Yang ada dipikiran saya waktu itu cuma “PIALA DUNIA 2010” sama hari ultah ke 17 haha. Fajar, 13 Juni, Steven Gerrard cetak gol buat Inggris. Kyaaa.. Love you, Captain!! Trus kebanjiran ucapan di facebook karena waktu itu temen saya udah lumayan banyak. Sayangnya ga dapet ucapan dari orang² yang berarti buat saya seperti ortu sama crushes. Tapi tak apalah ucapan dari temen² udah bikin aku seneng.. Love you my besties :* *kisses hugs*
Intinya tahun baru kemaren aku ga kemana² sama seperti tahun² sebelumnya. Nongkrong di dunia maya udah bikin hidup saya cukup lengkap.
Gak kerasa ini udah di ujung 2010. Ya Allah, waktu berjalan begitu cepat, banyak hal yang belum sanggup aku perbuat di tahun ini. Tapi Alhamdulillah saya masih diberi umur melewati bulan Ramadhan, Lebaran, Idul Adha, sampe kemarin tahun baru hijriyah..
Btw, saya kepikiran buat flashback deh dari awal tahun ini..
Januari: adaptasi lagi di sekolah.. Bulan ini saya balik ke sekolah setelah prakerin/magang 2 bulan. Sebenernya selesai magang bulan November tapi Desember langsung UAS jadi ga gitu "ngeh" di sekolah. Di bulan ini saya coba ngenalin adik² kelas yang baru pernah dijumpai kurang dari 3 bulan hehe.. Intinya Januari berjalan biasaaa..
Februari: sama seperti Januari ga ada hal istimewa, cuma nyoba ngenalin lingkungan sekitar aja, sambil garap² laporan magang. Aku sih ga bikin tuh laporan yah soalnya ada yang lebih rajin heheh.. Daan rambut saya dipotong pendek bgd di bulan ini. Traumatis mamah.. Ga lagi² deh potong pendek segini..
Maret: ikutan lomba mapel di SMA 5 dan saya dapet pengalaman sangat berkesan. Bayangkan, ada orang yang baru dikenal mau nungguin saya lomba padahal lomba yang dia ikutin udah selesai.. Ck ck.. Ternyata dia temennya temen SMP saya hehe.. Ah sudahlaah!
April: organisasi saya mulai sibuk. Di sinilah event² sekolah mulai diadain. Perayaan RA Kartini dimana cewe² dari tiap kelas berdandan pake kebaya berkontes macam Puteri Indonesia haha. Saya jadi panitianya waktu itu.
Mei: melanjutkan April. Di sini ada event Pensi sama Perpisahan. Sumpah cape bangeeet.. Pas Pensi sih aku milih kabur dah soalnya aku males nginep. Tapi gewla di Pensi ini aku nemu replikanya Zacky Vengeance yang mirip Stefan William wk wk :P ah abaikan. Di event perpisahan aku jadi bendahara, tiap istirahat muter² sekolah narikin duit per kelas. Cape jua yaa jadi tukang tagih. Dari atasan di suruh "narik" dana secepatnya tapi dari siswa² yang "ditarik" malah pada ngeles pake marah² sama saya. Kan saya cuma jalanin tugas, mba, mas.. Pensi sama Perpisahan selesai, tinggal SEMINAR MAGANG! Yap. Sibuk nyelesaiin laporan magang, minta di acc sama pembimbing sama instansi, uhuhu.. Cukup menderita! Trus pas lagi SEMINAR, saya sama temen² seperjuangan abis²an tampil biar dapet nilai tinggi. Ternyata yang kita takutin macam dikasih pertanyaan sulit tuh ga terjadi. Prinsipnya, audiens ga ngerti apa² tentang isi laporan, sementara kita sebagai penyaji sangat menguasai isi laporan, tapi tetap aja ada tim penilai yang tentunya menguasai "kompetisi". Pokoknya, selama kamu lancar menjawab pertanyaan (meski itu salah) penilai pasti kasih skor yang lumayan. Semangat deh pokoknya!
Juni: UAS! Kyaaa! Siap ga siap harus dilakoni juga. Nilai saya intinya ga lebih baik dari semester 1. Yang ada dipikiran saya waktu itu cuma “PIALA DUNIA 2010” sama hari ultah ke 17 haha. Fajar, 13 Juni, Steven Gerrard cetak gol buat Inggris. Kyaaa.. Love you, Captain!! Trus kebanjiran ucapan di facebook karena waktu itu temen saya udah lumayan banyak. Sayangnya ga dapet ucapan dari orang² yang berarti buat saya seperti ortu sama crushes. Tapi tak apalah ucapan dari temen² udah bikin aku seneng.. Love you my besties :* *kisses hugs*
Senin, 20 Desember 2010
[NEWS] Kim Kurniawan Resmi Jadi WNI
YAY! Akhirnya pesepakbola keturunan Indonesia-Jerman resmi menjadi WNI. YAP! Dialah Kim Jeffrey Kurniawan.
"Kim Jeffrey sudah jadi Warga Negara Indonesia. Sudah resmi, sudah keluar suratnya. Hanya paspornya saja yang belum jadi. Mungkin 1-2 minggu ke depan," kata Deputi Bidang Teknik PSSI Iman Arif seperti dilansir dari VIVAnews.
Kim yang memperkuat Persema Malang—klub yang juga dibela Irfan Bachdim—ini memang berkali-kali mengungkapkan keinginannya menjadi WNI dan memperkuat Timnas lewat akun jejaring sosial Twitter. Nampaknya Kim memang sangat berhasrat untuk mengharumkan nama Indonesia ;)
Btw, Kim juga turut hadir di acara ramah tamah di kediaman keluarga Bakrie bersama pemain Timnas Indonesia lain. Ck ck ck. Pak Bakrie, kok saya ga diundang? *plak*
"Saya belum tahu dan kapan itu (jadi WNI) terjadi. Yang penting saya fokus dulu sama cedera," kata pemain berusia 20 tahun itu.
"Impian saya membela timnas, saya targetkan bisa main di bulan Januari dan membela Indonesia U-23 di SEA Games." sip deh, kakak! ;)
Namun untuk masuk ke timnas tetep harus bersaing sama pemain lain. Semangat Kim! Kamu pasti bisa!
You'll Never Walk Alone ;)
"Kim Jeffrey sudah jadi Warga Negara Indonesia. Sudah resmi, sudah keluar suratnya. Hanya paspornya saja yang belum jadi. Mungkin 1-2 minggu ke depan," kata Deputi Bidang Teknik PSSI Iman Arif seperti dilansir dari VIVAnews.
Kim yang memperkuat Persema Malang—klub yang juga dibela Irfan Bachdim—ini memang berkali-kali mengungkapkan keinginannya menjadi WNI dan memperkuat Timnas lewat akun jejaring sosial Twitter. Nampaknya Kim memang sangat berhasrat untuk mengharumkan nama Indonesia ;)
Btw, Kim juga turut hadir di acara ramah tamah di kediaman keluarga Bakrie bersama pemain Timnas Indonesia lain. Ck ck ck. Pak Bakrie, kok saya ga diundang? *plak*
"Saya belum tahu dan kapan itu (jadi WNI) terjadi. Yang penting saya fokus dulu sama cedera," kata pemain berusia 20 tahun itu.
"Impian saya membela timnas, saya targetkan bisa main di bulan Januari dan membela Indonesia U-23 di SEA Games." sip deh, kakak! ;)
Namun untuk masuk ke timnas tetep harus bersaing sama pemain lain. Semangat Kim! Kamu pasti bisa!
You'll Never Walk Alone ;)
Jakarta, 19 Des—Indonesia kembali melakoni laga berat melawan Filipina dalam laga semifinal leg 2 AFF CUP 2010.
Tim Garuda yang unggul agregat 1-0 mencoba menekan lewat tendangan spekulasi kapten tim, Firman Utina. Namun bola gagal menjebol gawang Neil Etheridge.
Berkali-kali Christian 'El Loco' Gonzales mendapat peluang emas namun gagal berbuah gol hingga akhirnya pada menit ke 43 pemain naturalisasi tersebut melepas tendangan pisang lewat kaki kirinya dan menjebol gawang tim Azkal. Spektakuler! Suporter tim Merah Putih di GBK langsung bergemuruh tak terkecuali Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan Ibu Ani Yudhoyono beserta para ajudan dan pejabat lain di tribun kehormatan.
Pada paruh kedua Filipina mencoba melakukan banyak tekanan dan bermain cukup keras mengandalkan fisik mereka yang tinggi besar. Hingga Christopher Greatwich diusir wasit setelah mendapat kartu kuning kedua.
Keunggulan 1-0 untuk Indonesia bertahan hingga pertandingan usai. Indonesia melaju ke final dengan skor agregat 2-0 dan akan menghadapi Malaysia di KL pada 26 Desember dan di Jakarta pada 29 Desember.
Kita berdoa semoga tim Garuda mengangkat trofi di negeri sendiri. Amin ;))
You'll Never Walk Alone
Susunan Pemain
INDONESIA (4-4-2): Markus Horison; Muhamad Nasuha, Hamka Hamzah, Maman Abdulrahman, Zulkifli Syukur; Ahmad Bustomi, Firman Utina, Oktovianus Maniani, Muhamad Ridwan; Yongki Aribowo, Christian Gonzales.
FILIPINA (4-4-2): Neil Etheridge; Anton del Rosario, Robert Gier, Alexander Borromeo, Ray Anthony Jonsson; Roel Gener, Christopher Greatwich, Jason de Jong, James Younghusband; Ian Araneta, Phil Younghusband
Tim Garuda yang unggul agregat 1-0 mencoba menekan lewat tendangan spekulasi kapten tim, Firman Utina. Namun bola gagal menjebol gawang Neil Etheridge.
Berkali-kali Christian 'El Loco' Gonzales mendapat peluang emas namun gagal berbuah gol hingga akhirnya pada menit ke 43 pemain naturalisasi tersebut melepas tendangan pisang lewat kaki kirinya dan menjebol gawang tim Azkal. Spektakuler! Suporter tim Merah Putih di GBK langsung bergemuruh tak terkecuali Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan Ibu Ani Yudhoyono beserta para ajudan dan pejabat lain di tribun kehormatan.
Pada paruh kedua Filipina mencoba melakukan banyak tekanan dan bermain cukup keras mengandalkan fisik mereka yang tinggi besar. Hingga Christopher Greatwich diusir wasit setelah mendapat kartu kuning kedua.
Keunggulan 1-0 untuk Indonesia bertahan hingga pertandingan usai. Indonesia melaju ke final dengan skor agregat 2-0 dan akan menghadapi Malaysia di KL pada 26 Desember dan di Jakarta pada 29 Desember.
Kita berdoa semoga tim Garuda mengangkat trofi di negeri sendiri. Amin ;))
You'll Never Walk Alone
Susunan Pemain
INDONESIA (4-4-2): Markus Horison; Muhamad Nasuha, Hamka Hamzah, Maman Abdulrahman, Zulkifli Syukur; Ahmad Bustomi, Firman Utina, Oktovianus Maniani, Muhamad Ridwan; Yongki Aribowo, Christian Gonzales.
FILIPINA (4-4-2): Neil Etheridge; Anton del Rosario, Robert Gier, Alexander Borromeo, Ray Anthony Jonsson; Roel Gener, Christopher Greatwich, Jason de Jong, James Younghusband; Ian Araneta, Phil Younghusband
Minggu, 19 Desember 2010
Fernando Torres Chant “The Armband Song”
It is the second time I post it. I doubt with the first one so I will post them all. I won't delete the one of them (;
His armband proved he was a red
Torres Torres
You'll Never Walk Alone it said
Torres Torres
We bought the lad from sunny Spain
he gets the ball he scores again
Fernando Torres
Liverpool's Number 9
[Spanish version]
Su brazalete demostro que era un rojo
Torres Torres
Tu nunca caminaras solo decia
Torres Torres
Compramos al chico en la soliada España
recibe el balon y anota de nuevo
Fernando torres
es el numero de 9 del Liverpool
His armband proved he was a red
Torres Torres
You'll Never Walk Alone it said
Torres Torres
We bought the lad from sunny Spain
he gets the ball he scores again
Fernando Torres
Liverpool's Number 9
[Spanish version]
Su brazalete demostro que era un rojo
Torres Torres
Tu nunca caminaras solo decia
Torres Torres
Compramos al chico en la soliada España
recibe el balon y anota de nuevo
Fernando torres
es el numero de 9 del Liverpool
Liverbird Upon My Chest
Here's a song about a football team
The greatest team you've ever seen
A team that play total football
They've won the league, Europe and all
A Liverbird upon my chest
We are the men, of Shankly's best
A team that plays the Liverpool way
And wins the Championship in May
With Kenny Dalglish on the ball
He was the greatest of them
And Ian Rush, four goals or two
Left Evertonians feeling blue
Now if you go down Goodison Way
Hard luck stories you hear each day
There's not a trophy to be seen
'Cos Liverpool have swept them clean
Now on the glorious 10th of
There's laughing reds on Wembley Way
We're full of smiles and joy and glee
It's Everton 1 and Liverpool 3
Now on the 20th of May
We're laughing still on Wembley Way
Those Evertonians feeling blue
at Liverpool 3 and Everton 2
And as we sang round Goodison Park
With crying blues all in a nark
They're probably crying still
at Liverpool 5 and Everton 0
We remember them with pride
Those mighty reds of Shankly's side
And Kenny's boys of '88
There's never been a side so great
Now back in 1965
When great Bill Shankly was alive
We're playing Leeds, the score's 1-1
When it fell to the head of Ian St John
On April 15th '89
What should have been a joyous time
Ninety-sixfriends, we all shall miss
And all the Kopites want justice
The greatest team you've ever seen
A team that play total football
They've won the league, Europe and all
A Liverbird upon my chest
We are the men, of Shankly's best
A team that plays the Liverpool way
And wins the Championship in May
With Kenny Dalglish on the ball
He was the greatest of them
And Ian Rush, four goals or two
Left Evertonians feeling blue
Now if you go down Goodison Way
Hard luck stories you hear each day
There's not a trophy to be seen
'Cos Liverpool have swept them clean
Now on the glorious 10th of
There's laughing reds on Wembley Way
We're full of smiles and joy and glee
It's Everton 1 and Liverpool 3
Now on the 20th of May
We're laughing still on Wembley Way
Those Evertonians feeling blue
at Liverpool 3 and Everton 2
And as we sang round Goodison Park
With crying blues all in a nark
They're probably crying still
at Liverpool 5 and Everton 0
We remember them with pride
Those mighty reds of Shankly's side
And Kenny's boys of '88
There's never been a side so great
Now back in 1965
When great Bill Shankly was alive
We're playing Leeds, the score's 1-1
When it fell to the head of Ian St John
On April 15th '89
What should have been a joyous time
Ninety-sixfriends, we all shall miss
And all the Kopites want justice
[QUOTES] Actor
“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today. ” — James Dean
“There are four questions of value in life... What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love. ” — Johnny Depp
“Hope is the most exciting thing in life and if you honestly believe that love is out there, it will come. And even if it doesn't come straight away there is still that chance all through your life that it will.” — Josh Hartnett
“Success is falling nine times and getting up ten.” — Jon Bon Jovi
“We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone. ” — Orson Welles
“It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable. ” — Moliere
“There are four questions of value in life... What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love. ” — Johnny Depp
“Hope is the most exciting thing in life and if you honestly believe that love is out there, it will come. And even if it doesn't come straight away there is still that chance all through your life that it will.” — Josh Hartnett
“Success is falling nine times and getting up ten.” — Jon Bon Jovi
“We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we're not alone. ” — Orson Welles
“It is not only what we do, but also what we do not do, for which we are accountable. ” — Moliere
[NEWS] Josh dan Zac Farro Hengkang dari Paramore
Gitaris Josh Farro dan drummer Zac Farro telah meninggalkan Paramore.
Personil band lainnya, Hayley Wiliams, Taylor York, dan Jeremy Davis mengumumkannya hari ini (18 Desember) dalam sebuah posting di website resmi band, Mereka menjelaskan bahwa keinginan Josh dan Zac untuk hengkang telah diungkapkan mereka beberapa bulan yang lalu.
"A couple of months ago, Josh and Zac let us know they would be leaving the band after our show in Orlando last Sunday [December 12, at the House Of Blues venue]," tulis mereka. "None of us were really shocked. For the last year it hasn't seemed as if they wanted to be around anymore."
Mereka menambahkan "We want Josh and Zac to do something that makes them happy and if that isn't here with us, then we support them finding happiness elsewhere."
Mereka kemudian menjelaskan bahwa tidak pernah ada pertanyaan tentang pembubaran band meskipun kehilangan dua dari lima anggota. "We never for a second thought about leaving any of this behind," tulis mereka. "We really hope that you can be encouraged by the fact that the three of us who are still here are ready to take on another chapter of our journey together."
Mereka belum mengumumkan jika Farro bersaudara akan diganti. Mereka diatur untuk kembali pada tur Amerika selatan pada bulan Februari dan Maret 2011.
Paramore baru-baru ini mengatakan betapa dekatnya mereka dengan pemisahan band selama rekaman album "Brand New Eyes" pada 2009.
Source :
Personil band lainnya, Hayley Wiliams, Taylor York, dan Jeremy Davis mengumumkannya hari ini (18 Desember) dalam sebuah posting di website resmi band, Mereka menjelaskan bahwa keinginan Josh dan Zac untuk hengkang telah diungkapkan mereka beberapa bulan yang lalu.
"A couple of months ago, Josh and Zac let us know they would be leaving the band after our show in Orlando last Sunday [December 12, at the House Of Blues venue]," tulis mereka. "None of us were really shocked. For the last year it hasn't seemed as if they wanted to be around anymore."
Mereka menambahkan "We want Josh and Zac to do something that makes them happy and if that isn't here with us, then we support them finding happiness elsewhere."
Mereka kemudian menjelaskan bahwa tidak pernah ada pertanyaan tentang pembubaran band meskipun kehilangan dua dari lima anggota. "We never for a second thought about leaving any of this behind," tulis mereka. "We really hope that you can be encouraged by the fact that the three of us who are still here are ready to take on another chapter of our journey together."
Mereka belum mengumumkan jika Farro bersaudara akan diganti. Mereka diatur untuk kembali pada tur Amerika selatan pada bulan Februari dan Maret 2011.
Paramore baru-baru ini mengatakan betapa dekatnya mereka dengan pemisahan band selama rekaman album "Brand New Eyes" pada 2009.
Source :
Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010
[NEWS] Hasil Drawing 32 Besar Europa League
Berikut hasil lengkap drawing 32 besar Europa League 2010/11 :
Napoli v Villarreal
Rangers v Sporting Lisbon
Sparta Prague v Liverpool
Anderlecht v Ajax
Lech Poznan v Braga
Besiktas v Dynamo Kiev
Basle v Spartak Moscow
Young Boys v Zenit St Petersburg
Aris Salonika v Manchester City
PAOK v CSKA Moscow
Sevilla v Porto
Rubin Kazan v FC Twente
Lille v PSV Eindhoven
Benfica v Stuttgart
BATE v Paris St Germain
Metalist Kharkiv v Bayer Leverkusen
Berikut drawing 16 besar Europa League:
Benfica/Stuttgart v BATE/ Paris St Germain
Besiktas/Dynamo Kiev v Aris Salonika/ Manchester City
Rubin Kazan/FC Twente v Young Boys/Zenit St Petersburg
PAOK/CSKA Moscow v Sevilla/Porto
Lille/PSV v Rangers/Sporting Lisbon
Metalist Kharkiv/Bayer Leverkusen v Napoli/Villarreal
Anderlecht/Ajax v Basle/ Spartak Moscow
Sparta Prague/Liverpool v Lech Poznan/Braga
Menurut beberapa prediksi teman—tanpa maksud meremehkan Spartak Prague—nampaknya Liverpool akan mudah lolos. Kita berdoa saja. Amin ;)
You'll Never Walk Alone
Napoli v Villarreal
Rangers v Sporting Lisbon
Sparta Prague v Liverpool
Anderlecht v Ajax
Lech Poznan v Braga
Besiktas v Dynamo Kiev
Basle v Spartak Moscow
Young Boys v Zenit St Petersburg
Aris Salonika v Manchester City
PAOK v CSKA Moscow
Sevilla v Porto
Rubin Kazan v FC Twente
Lille v PSV Eindhoven
Benfica v Stuttgart
BATE v Paris St Germain
Metalist Kharkiv v Bayer Leverkusen
Berikut drawing 16 besar Europa League:
Benfica/Stuttgart v BATE/ Paris St Germain
Besiktas/Dynamo Kiev v Aris Salonika/ Manchester City
Rubin Kazan/FC Twente v Young Boys/Zenit St Petersburg
PAOK/CSKA Moscow v Sevilla/Porto
Lille/PSV v Rangers/Sporting Lisbon
Metalist Kharkiv/Bayer Leverkusen v Napoli/Villarreal
Anderlecht/Ajax v Basle/ Spartak Moscow
Sparta Prague/Liverpool v Lech Poznan/Braga
Menurut beberapa prediksi teman—tanpa maksud meremehkan Spartak Prague—nampaknya Liverpool akan mudah lolos. Kita berdoa saja. Amin ;)
You'll Never Walk Alone
[NEWS] Update Steven Gerrard dan Daniel Agger
Agaknya kita masih harus menunggu kembalinya sang kapten, Steven Gerrard, menyusul pernyataan manager Roy Hodgson bahwa Stevie diragukan tampil di laga home melawan Fulham.
Well, Gerrard mendapat cedera hamstring ketika ia membela Inggris pada 17 November lalu.
“He is training hard, he trains every day and there are no days off for Steven,” kata Hodgson.
“He is desperate to get back but, with my recent history of saying things and not getting them right, I should be extremely cagey and say I have no idea if he will be there or not. There will be no more bold statements from me on any player, at least for the foreseeable future.”
Hodgson juga berhati-hati mengenai kembalinya centre-back Daniel Agger, yang belum bermain untuk Liverpool sejak 25 September karena masalah betis.
Pekan lalu Hodgson berniat memasang Dani Agger di partai melawan Fulham namun sepertinya tidak memungkinkan.
“Agger is slightly behind Steven [in terms of fitness] but not far,” beliau menambahkan.
“I was given a prediction for him but I'm not going to tell you because it might turn out to be wrong and I'll get the blame for it.” *ngikik miris* kasihan opa Roy Hodgson :(
Get well soon Stevie and Dani. We need you come back (;
You'll Never Walk Alone
Source :
Well, Gerrard mendapat cedera hamstring ketika ia membela Inggris pada 17 November lalu.
“He is training hard, he trains every day and there are no days off for Steven,” kata Hodgson.
“He is desperate to get back but, with my recent history of saying things and not getting them right, I should be extremely cagey and say I have no idea if he will be there or not. There will be no more bold statements from me on any player, at least for the foreseeable future.”
Hodgson juga berhati-hati mengenai kembalinya centre-back Daniel Agger, yang belum bermain untuk Liverpool sejak 25 September karena masalah betis.
Pekan lalu Hodgson berniat memasang Dani Agger di partai melawan Fulham namun sepertinya tidak memungkinkan.
“Agger is slightly behind Steven [in terms of fitness] but not far,” beliau menambahkan.
“I was given a prediction for him but I'm not going to tell you because it might turn out to be wrong and I'll get the blame for it.” *ngikik miris* kasihan opa Roy Hodgson :(
Get well soon Stevie and Dani. We need you come back (;
You'll Never Walk Alone
Source :
[NEWS] Carol Konchesky Sebut Fans Liverpool "Scouse Scum"
Bek Liverpool, Paul Konchesky mulai bermasalah dengan karirnya di Liverpool bahkan lebih sulit setelah ibundanya, Carol, melancarkan kata-kata kasar via Facebook. Beliau menyebut fans Liverpool sebagai "scouse scum".
Di sebuah postingan dalam situs itu, beliau menuduh fans Liverpool hidup di masa lalu dan kepindahan Paul ke klub Merseyside itu adalah sebuah kesalahan.
Beliau menulis “To all you Liverpool scouse scum out the never mind the Cockney ---- take a real look at you team stop living off the past the team are ---- anyone made a mistake it ’s the Cockney ---- never should have left Fulham. ”
Kini posting tersebut telah dihapus dari situs. Beberapa fans menunjukkan kekecewaan atas sikap Mrs. Konchesky. Tapi menurut saya—karena saya tidak merasa sebagai "scouse scum"—mungkin itu bentuk kekecewaan ibu Carol yang merasa karir putranya di Anfield tidak membaik dan seolah-olah fans tidak mendukungnya. Tapi sekali lagi mengeluarkan kata-kata kasar di jejaring sosial tidaklah dibenarkan. Sekian ;)
You'll Never Walk Alone
Di sebuah postingan dalam situs itu, beliau menuduh fans Liverpool hidup di masa lalu dan kepindahan Paul ke klub Merseyside itu adalah sebuah kesalahan.
Beliau menulis “To all you Liverpool scouse scum out the never mind the Cockney ---- take a real look at you team stop living off the past the team are ---- anyone made a mistake it ’s the Cockney ---- never should have left Fulham. ”
Kini posting tersebut telah dihapus dari situs. Beberapa fans menunjukkan kekecewaan atas sikap Mrs. Konchesky. Tapi menurut saya—karena saya tidak merasa sebagai "scouse scum"—mungkin itu bentuk kekecewaan ibu Carol yang merasa karir putranya di Anfield tidak membaik dan seolah-olah fans tidak mendukungnya. Tapi sekali lagi mengeluarkan kata-kata kasar di jejaring sosial tidaklah dibenarkan. Sekian ;)
You'll Never Walk Alone
[NEWS] Hasil Drawing Babak 16 Besar Liga Champion
Arsenal harus (kembali) bertemu Barcelona di babak knock out. Musim lalu mereka disingkirkan di perempatfinal sementara pada musim 2005/06 mereka dikalahkan di final. Sementara rival sekota mereka, Tottenham Hotspur harus menghadapi juara 7 kali Liga Champion, AC Milan.
Berikut hasil lengkap drawing tadi malam di Nyon, Swiss :
Roma v Shakhtar Donetsk
AC Milan v Tottenham Hotspur
Valencia v Schalke
Inter Milan v Bayern Münich
Lyon v Real Madrid
Arsenal v Barcelona
Marseille v Manchester United
Copenhagen v Chelsea
Leg 1 tanggal 15-16 dan 22-23 Februari 2011.
Leg 2 tanggal 8-9 dan 15-16 Maret 2011
Manchester United akan menantang Marseille. Sementara Chelsea akan berhadapan dengan wakil Denmark, Copenhagen, yang musim ini merupakan kali pertama mereka dalam sejarah lolos ke babak knock out.
Sementara itu Madrid akan menghadapi wakil Perancis, Lyon.
Partai final musim lalu antara Inter Milan v Bayern Münich harus terulang kembali di fase 16 besar ini.
Well, mampukah Münich membalas dendam atas kekalahan di final musim lalu ataukah pasukan Rafa Benitez yang akan melaju ke fase perempat final? Dan sanggupkah Arsenal menyingkirkan raksasa Spanyol yang telah beberapa kali mempecundangi mereka? Kita tunggu bulan Februari dan Maret 2011. Semoga tim terbaik yang lolos ke putaran berikutnya ;)
You'll Never Walk Alone
Berikut hasil lengkap drawing tadi malam di Nyon, Swiss :
Roma v Shakhtar Donetsk
AC Milan v Tottenham Hotspur
Valencia v Schalke
Inter Milan v Bayern Münich
Lyon v Real Madrid
Arsenal v Barcelona
Marseille v Manchester United
Copenhagen v Chelsea
Leg 1 tanggal 15-16 dan 22-23 Februari 2011.
Leg 2 tanggal 8-9 dan 15-16 Maret 2011
Manchester United akan menantang Marseille. Sementara Chelsea akan berhadapan dengan wakil Denmark, Copenhagen, yang musim ini merupakan kali pertama mereka dalam sejarah lolos ke babak knock out.
Sementara itu Madrid akan menghadapi wakil Perancis, Lyon.
Partai final musim lalu antara Inter Milan v Bayern Münich harus terulang kembali di fase 16 besar ini.
Well, mampukah Münich membalas dendam atas kekalahan di final musim lalu ataukah pasukan Rafa Benitez yang akan melaju ke fase perempat final? Dan sanggupkah Arsenal menyingkirkan raksasa Spanyol yang telah beberapa kali mempecundangi mereka? Kita tunggu bulan Februari dan Maret 2011. Semoga tim terbaik yang lolos ke putaran berikutnya ;)
You'll Never Walk Alone
[NEWS] Mike Portnoy Berpisah Dengan Avenged Sevenfold
Avenged Sevenfold telah berpisah dengan drummer Mike Portnoy.
Portnoy, yang biasa bermain di Dream Theater dan dirancang setelah kematian drummer pendiri Avenged Sevenfold, Jimmy 'The Rev' Sullivan tahun lalu, memainkan drum di album band terbaru 'Nightmare', yang dirilis Juli lalu.
Dia membuat pernyataan dalam website resminya, pagi ini tanggal 16 Desember mengumumkan kepergiannya dari A7X. Portnoy juga menjelaskan bahwa ini merupakan keputusan band tersebut.
“Sadly my time with Avenged Sevenfold has come to an end (sayangnya waktu saya dengan Avenged Sevenfold harus berakhir),” tulisnya. “The band has decided to carry on into 2011 without me. I had a great time with them throughout 2010, but it was their choice to end the relationship at the end of 2010 as was always the initial plan (Band telah memutuskan untuk melanjutkan ke 2011 tanpa saya. Banyak waktu dengan mereka sepanjang tahun 2010, tapi itu adalah pilihan mereka untuk mengakhiri hubungan pada akhir tahun 2010 sebagai rencana awal).”
Dia menambahkan “I had an awesome time on stage with the guys every night and have so many cool memories from the experience with them, I am proud to always be part of the Avenged Sevenfold family and history. I also adore the Avenged Sevenfold fans and totally appreciate the way they welcomed me aboard and were so loving and supportive during my time with the band... thank you! (aku memiliki waktu yang sangat menarik di panggung dengan teman teman setiap malam dan banyak kenangan hebat dari pengalaman bersama mereka, saya bangga menjadi bagian dari keluarga dan sejarah Avenged Sevenfold. Saya juga mengagumi fans Avenged Sevenfold dan sangat menghargai cara mereka menyambut saya dan sangat mencintai dan mendukung selama waktu saya bersama band ini. Terima kasih!)”
Avenged Sevenfold harus menjalani tur AS pada Januari hingga Februari 2011 dan juga telah dikonfirmasi slot di UK. Namun band tersebut belum mengumumkan pengganti Mike Portnoy di posisi drum.
Mike, Anda luar biasa. Terima kasih sudah menjadi pengganti sementara Jimmy. We love you ;)
Source :
Portnoy, yang biasa bermain di Dream Theater dan dirancang setelah kematian drummer pendiri Avenged Sevenfold, Jimmy 'The Rev' Sullivan tahun lalu, memainkan drum di album band terbaru 'Nightmare', yang dirilis Juli lalu.
Dia membuat pernyataan dalam website resminya, pagi ini tanggal 16 Desember mengumumkan kepergiannya dari A7X. Portnoy juga menjelaskan bahwa ini merupakan keputusan band tersebut.
“Sadly my time with Avenged Sevenfold has come to an end (sayangnya waktu saya dengan Avenged Sevenfold harus berakhir),” tulisnya. “The band has decided to carry on into 2011 without me. I had a great time with them throughout 2010, but it was their choice to end the relationship at the end of 2010 as was always the initial plan (Band telah memutuskan untuk melanjutkan ke 2011 tanpa saya. Banyak waktu dengan mereka sepanjang tahun 2010, tapi itu adalah pilihan mereka untuk mengakhiri hubungan pada akhir tahun 2010 sebagai rencana awal).”
Dia menambahkan “I had an awesome time on stage with the guys every night and have so many cool memories from the experience with them, I am proud to always be part of the Avenged Sevenfold family and history. I also adore the Avenged Sevenfold fans and totally appreciate the way they welcomed me aboard and were so loving and supportive during my time with the band... thank you! (aku memiliki waktu yang sangat menarik di panggung dengan teman teman setiap malam dan banyak kenangan hebat dari pengalaman bersama mereka, saya bangga menjadi bagian dari keluarga dan sejarah Avenged Sevenfold. Saya juga mengagumi fans Avenged Sevenfold dan sangat menghargai cara mereka menyambut saya dan sangat mencintai dan mendukung selama waktu saya bersama band ini. Terima kasih!)”
Avenged Sevenfold harus menjalani tur AS pada Januari hingga Februari 2011 dan juga telah dikonfirmasi slot di UK. Namun band tersebut belum mengumumkan pengganti Mike Portnoy di posisi drum.
Mike, Anda luar biasa. Terima kasih sudah menjadi pengganti sementara Jimmy. We love you ;)
Source :
[NEWS] Top Skor AFF Cup 2010
Indonesia menempatkan 7 pemain dalam daftar pencetak gol di perhelatan AFF Cup 2010. Berikut adalah daftar lengkap pencetak gol hingga Semifinal Leg 1 :
2 gol :
»» Christian Gonzalez, Bambang Pamungkas, Irfan Bachdim, Arif Suyono, Firman Utina, M. Ridwan (Indonesia)
»» Nguyen Trong Hoang, Nguyen Anh Duc (Vietnam)
»» Muhamad Safee Zaki, Amri Yahya (Malaysia)
»» S. Chaikumdee (Thailand)
»» Alexander Duric (Singapura)
1 gol :
»» Idlan Talaha, Mahali Jasuli, Amirulhadi Zainal (Malaysia)
»» Surre Suka (Thailand)
»» Okto Maniani (Indonesia)
»» Lamnao Singto, K. Inthammvong, K. Sysomvang (Laos)
»» Nguyen Minh Phuong, Nguyen Vu Phong, Tai Le Tan (Vietnam)
»» Kyaw Moe Aung (Myanmar)
Pemain Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, dan Filipina masih memiliki peluang untuk menjadi top skorer. Semoga putra Indonesia yang meraihnya. Amin ;)
2 gol :
»» Christian Gonzalez, Bambang Pamungkas, Irfan Bachdim, Arif Suyono, Firman Utina, M. Ridwan (Indonesia)
»» Nguyen Trong Hoang, Nguyen Anh Duc (Vietnam)
»» Muhamad Safee Zaki, Amri Yahya (Malaysia)
»» S. Chaikumdee (Thailand)
»» Alexander Duric (Singapura)
1 gol :
»» Idlan Talaha, Mahali Jasuli, Amirulhadi Zainal (Malaysia)
»» Surre Suka (Thailand)
»» Okto Maniani (Indonesia)
»» Lamnao Singto, K. Inthammvong, K. Sysomvang (Laos)
»» Nguyen Minh Phuong, Nguyen Vu Phong, Tai Le Tan (Vietnam)
»» Kyaw Moe Aung (Myanmar)
Pemain Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, dan Filipina masih memiliki peluang untuk menjadi top skorer. Semoga putra Indonesia yang meraihnya. Amin ;)
Jumat, 17 Desember 2010
[MATCH RESULT] AFF Suzuki Cup 2010: Philippines 0-1 Indonesia
Jakarta, 16 Des 2010—Filipina "menjamu" Indonesia di semifinal leg 1 di Gelora Bung Karno. Tim Azkals—begitu julukan Filipina—mengandalkan taktik super-defense dan serangan balik cepat terbukti mampu membuat tim Garuda kewalahan. Kesulitan membobol gawang Neil Etheridge justru pertahanan Indonesia kerap keteteran oleh serangan individual mantan gelandang Chelsea, Phil Younghusband. Berkali-kali pemain keturunan Inggris-Filipino ini merepotkan penjaga gawang, Markus Harison.
Namun barisan penyerang tim Merah Putih pun tak mau ketinggalan membombardir lini pertahanan Filipina meski seringkali terjebak off-side. Alhasil, pemain naturalisasi Indonesia, Christian Gonzalez, mampu membobol jala tim Azkals dengan memanfaatkan kesalahan kiper Neil Etheridge yang menghalau bola terlalu ke depan. Bola yang sempat membentur mistar gawang akhirnya akhirnya berbuah gol bagi Indonesia!
Gol ini segera meriuhkan seisi GBK yang menampung 80,000 penonton termasuk Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan ibu Ani Yudhoyono yang duduk di tribun kehormatan bersama pejabat lain :)
Keunggulan 1-0 bagi Indonesia bertahan hingga turun minum.
Memasuki paruh kedua, tim Azkals maupun tim Garuda tidak mengendurkan serangan. Pada menit ke 72, kakak dari Phil, James Younghusband nyaris membobol gawang Markus yang salah mengantisipasi bola lewat sepakan saltonya. Beruntung bek Zulkifli Sukur mampu menyundul bola keluar lapangan. *sigh*
Irfan Bachdim kemudian ditarik keluar dan digantikan pahlawan Indonesia ketika menaklukan Thailand, Bambang Pamungkas serta Okto Maniani digantikan oleh super-sub Arif Bale, eh, Arif Suyono :P Namun Indonesia tidak mampu menambah keunggulan. Kedudukan 1-0 bagi tim Garuda bertahan hingga peluit panjang dibunyikan.
Dengan hasil ini Indonesia sudah mengoleksi satu gol "tandang" dan akan kembali berlaga pada hari Minggu, 19 Des. Namun peluang masih terbuka lebar bagi tim Filipina mengingat masih tersisa 90 menit untuk menyamakan kedudukan bahkan mengungguli skor Indonesia. IMHO penampilan tim underdog yang diperkuat 9 pemain naturalisasi ini sangat luar biasa dan mampu memberikan perlawanan berarti bagi timnas Indonesia. Terbukti Indonesia hanya mampu mencetak satu gol dan berkali-kali nyaris kebobolan oleh serangan akurat lawan.
Kita berdoa saja semoga timnas Garuda mampu lolos ke fase final paling tidak mempertahankan keunggulan satu gol away ini. Amin. Maju terus Indonesia! Garuda akan tetap di dadaku meski tengah digugat :)
Namun barisan penyerang tim Merah Putih pun tak mau ketinggalan membombardir lini pertahanan Filipina meski seringkali terjebak off-side. Alhasil, pemain naturalisasi Indonesia, Christian Gonzalez, mampu membobol jala tim Azkals dengan memanfaatkan kesalahan kiper Neil Etheridge yang menghalau bola terlalu ke depan. Bola yang sempat membentur mistar gawang akhirnya akhirnya berbuah gol bagi Indonesia!
Gol ini segera meriuhkan seisi GBK yang menampung 80,000 penonton termasuk Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dan ibu Ani Yudhoyono yang duduk di tribun kehormatan bersama pejabat lain :)
Keunggulan 1-0 bagi Indonesia bertahan hingga turun minum.
Memasuki paruh kedua, tim Azkals maupun tim Garuda tidak mengendurkan serangan. Pada menit ke 72, kakak dari Phil, James Younghusband nyaris membobol gawang Markus yang salah mengantisipasi bola lewat sepakan saltonya. Beruntung bek Zulkifli Sukur mampu menyundul bola keluar lapangan. *sigh*
Irfan Bachdim kemudian ditarik keluar dan digantikan pahlawan Indonesia ketika menaklukan Thailand, Bambang Pamungkas serta Okto Maniani digantikan oleh super-sub Arif Bale, eh, Arif Suyono :P Namun Indonesia tidak mampu menambah keunggulan. Kedudukan 1-0 bagi tim Garuda bertahan hingga peluit panjang dibunyikan.
Dengan hasil ini Indonesia sudah mengoleksi satu gol "tandang" dan akan kembali berlaga pada hari Minggu, 19 Des. Namun peluang masih terbuka lebar bagi tim Filipina mengingat masih tersisa 90 menit untuk menyamakan kedudukan bahkan mengungguli skor Indonesia. IMHO penampilan tim underdog yang diperkuat 9 pemain naturalisasi ini sangat luar biasa dan mampu memberikan perlawanan berarti bagi timnas Indonesia. Terbukti Indonesia hanya mampu mencetak satu gol dan berkali-kali nyaris kebobolan oleh serangan akurat lawan.
Kita berdoa saja semoga timnas Garuda mampu lolos ke fase final paling tidak mempertahankan keunggulan satu gol away ini. Amin. Maju terus Indonesia! Garuda akan tetap di dadaku meski tengah digugat :)
[PROFILE] Skandar Keynes
Skandar Keynes lahir dengan nama lengkap Alexander Amin Casper Keynes pada 5 September 1991 di London, Inggris. Skandar ini pemeran Edmund Pevensie, adik keduanya Peter Pevensie (Wiliam Moseley) di film The Chronicles of Narnia.
Skandar lahir dari pasangan Zelfa Hourani dan penulis Randal Keynes. Dia punya kakak perempuan bernama Soumaya Keynes (lahir 1989). Kakek dari ibunya, Furugh Afnan dan Cecil Fadlo Hourani, seorang penasehat presiden Tunisia Habib Bourguiba, serta seorang penulis, Cecil Hourani juga merupakan saudara Albert Hourani, sejarawan utama Timur Tengah. Keluarga Hourani ini berimigrasi ke Inggris dari Lebanon Selatan. Tapi Skandar ngakunya dia Atheist :)
Di sisi ayahnya, Skandar adalah cucu dari fisiologis Richard Keynes, keponakan dari sejarawan dan profesor Cambridge Simon Keynes, dan cicit keponakan (kalo ga salah) dari ekonom John Maynard Keynes. Dia juga ada garis keturunan dari Charles Darwin. Wow. Ckckc ternyata Skandar ini keturunan orang-orang nge-top dunia!!!
Pada Oktober 2010 Skandar Keynes mulai menempuh gelarnya dalam Bahasa Arab dan Sejarah Islam di Pembroke Cambridge College. Dia sekarang menulis kritik di bagian review di majalah mingguan sekolah, City of London School. FYI, Skandar Keynes seorang Gooners a.k.a suporter klub EPL, Arsenal. Ga heran lah dia kan tinggal di Highbury, tempat klub London itu bernaung.
Si Keynes ini ikut audisi The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe dimana pada saat bersamaan dia ikutan audisi Nanny McPhee namun gagal lolos. Tapi bayangkan jika keadaan terbalik, Keynes lolos audisi Nanny McPhee dan gagal di audisi Narnia, mungkin dia ga bakal setenar ini. Jadi selalu ada hikmah di balik suatu kejadian (ngutip acara kriminal hehe).
Well, Skandar Keynes main di ketiga film Narnia, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe (2005); Prince Caspian (2008); dan The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010). Dia juga berhasil menyabet penghargaan Best Younger Cast pada 2006 dan dinominasikan sebagai Best Performance in a Feature film - Leading Young Actor dan Best Performance in a Feature Film - Young Ensemble Cast pada tahun 2008. :))
Senin, 13 Desember 2010
[LYRIC] Secrets by One Republic
I need another story
Something to get off my chest
My life gets kinda boring
Need something that I can confess
'Til all my sleeves are stained red
From all the truth that I've said
Come by it honestly I swear
Thought you saw me wink, no
I've been on the brink, so
Tell me what you want to hear
Something that delight those ears
Sick of all the insincere
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect lie
Don't care if critics ever jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
My God, amazing that we got this far
It's like we're chasing all those stars
Driving shiny big black cars
And everyday I see the news
All the problems that we could solve
And when a situation rises
Just write it into an album
Sending it straight to gold
I don't really like my flow, no, so
Tell me what you want to hear
Something that delight those ears
Sick of all the insincere
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another
perfect lie
Don't care if critics ever jump
in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets
Oh, got no reason, got notshame
Got no family I can blame
Just don't let me disappear
I'm 'a tell you everything
So tell me what you want to hear
Something that delight those ears
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect lie
Don't care if critics ever jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
So tell me what you want to hear
Something that delight those ears
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect lie
Don't care if critics ever jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
All my secrets away, all my secrets away
Something to get off my chest
My life gets kinda boring
Need something that I can confess
'Til all my sleeves are stained red
From all the truth that I've said
Come by it honestly I swear
Thought you saw me wink, no
I've been on the brink, so
Tell me what you want to hear
Something that delight those ears
Sick of all the insincere
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect lie
Don't care if critics ever jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
My God, amazing that we got this far
It's like we're chasing all those stars
Driving shiny big black cars
And everyday I see the news
All the problems that we could solve
And when a situation rises
Just write it into an album
Sending it straight to gold
I don't really like my flow, no, so
Tell me what you want to hear
Something that delight those ears
Sick of all the insincere
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another
perfect lie
Don't care if critics ever jump
in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets
Oh, got no reason, got notshame
Got no family I can blame
Just don't let me disappear
I'm 'a tell you everything
So tell me what you want to hear
Something that delight those ears
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect lie
Don't care if critics ever jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
So tell me what you want to hear
Something that delight those ears
Sick of all the insincere
So I'm gonna give all my secrets away
This time, don't need another perfect lie
Don't care if critics ever jump in line
I'm gonna give all my secrets away
All my secrets away, all my secrets away
Minggu, 12 Desember 2010
[LYRIC] Lose My Mind by The Wanted
They say that time
Heals everything
But they don't know you
And the scars you bring
'Cos you left a jagged hole
And I can't stand it anymore
If heartache was a physical pain
I could face it I could face it
But you're hurting me
From inside of my head
I can't take it I can't take it
I'm gonna lose my mind
I'm gonna lose my mind
I'd erase my thoughts
If only I knew how
Fill my head with white noise
If it would drown you out
Kill the sound
If heartache was a physical pain
I could face it I could face it
But you're hurting me
From inside of my head
I can't take it I can't take it
I'm gonna lose my mind
I'm gonna lose my mind
And I'd rather be crazy
I'd rather go insane
Than having you stalk
My every thought
Then having you here inside my heart
If heartache was a physical pain
I could face it I could face it
But you're hurting me
From inside of my head
I can't take it I can't take it
I'm gonna lose my mind
I'm gonna lose my mind
Heals everything
But they don't know you
And the scars you bring
'Cos you left a jagged hole
And I can't stand it anymore
If heartache was a physical pain
I could face it I could face it
But you're hurting me
From inside of my head
I can't take it I can't take it
I'm gonna lose my mind
I'm gonna lose my mind
I'd erase my thoughts
If only I knew how
Fill my head with white noise
If it would drown you out
Kill the sound
If heartache was a physical pain
I could face it I could face it
But you're hurting me
From inside of my head
I can't take it I can't take it
I'm gonna lose my mind
I'm gonna lose my mind
And I'd rather be crazy
I'd rather go insane
Than having you stalk
My every thought
Then having you here inside my heart
If heartache was a physical pain
I could face it I could face it
But you're hurting me
From inside of my head
I can't take it I can't take it
I'm gonna lose my mind
I'm gonna lose my mind
Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010
[NEWS] Liverpool FC Buka Akademi Sepakbola Di Indonesia
TRIBUNNEWS.COM melansir bahwa manajemen klub Liverpool mengincar Indonesia sebagai salah satu basis pembinaan pemain muda di Asia, rencananya tahun 2011 Liverpool akan mendirikan Akademi Sepakbola di Indonesia.
Sang legenda Liverpool, Ian Rush datang kembali ke Indonesia guna membawa proposal pendirian akademi.
Akademi tersebut merupakan yang pertama di Asia Tenggara dan akan didirikan di Jakarta dengan staf pelatih langsung dari Anfield.
YAY! Semoga dengan pendirian Akademi Liverpool akan memunculkan Steven Gerrard-nya Indonesia. Amin!
You'll Never Walk Alone
Sang legenda Liverpool, Ian Rush datang kembali ke Indonesia guna membawa proposal pendirian akademi.
Akademi tersebut merupakan yang pertama di Asia Tenggara dan akan didirikan di Jakarta dengan staf pelatih langsung dari Anfield.
YAY! Semoga dengan pendirian Akademi Liverpool akan memunculkan Steven Gerrard-nya Indonesia. Amin!
You'll Never Walk Alone
Kamis, 09 Desember 2010
[PROFILE] Philippines Footballers
Indonesia will face Philippines in the Suzuki AFF Cup 2010 semifinal. Both of legs will be held in Jakarta because Philippines doesn't have suitable stadium. It gives more advantages for us but we don't allow to underestimate them. They beat the defending champion, Vietnam in Hanoi with 2 goals. Does it amazing??
Well they have incredible players and some of them are naturalization players. Let see who are them.

^Phil has ever played for Chelsea Youth Team during 8 years (1997-2005) then he joined to Senior team. His contract with Chelsea ended in 2008 then he moved to Philippines.
^He plays as forward
^He scored a goal when Philippines beat Vietnam in AFF Cup last 5 December
^Philip James Placer Younghusband is an English-Filipino born in England, 4 August 1987. His brother, James, also plays for The Philippines National Team.
^Do you agree with me guys, that this guy seems like Josh Hartnett? ((:

^James also played for Chelsea Youth Team and Senior Team since 1996 til 2006. He has ever played for Wimbledon.
^He plays as right-winger.
^He scored when Philippines face Laos in AFF Cup Qualification last October.
^James Joseph Placer Younghusband born in England, 4 September 1986.

^Neil played for Chelsea Youth Team til 2006 then he currently playing for Fulham.
^Neil plays as goalkeeper.
^Neil Leonard Dula Etheridge is an English-Filipino born in Enfield, London, 7 February 1990.
^He played as striker in his early carier, then he converts into goalkeeper.
And how do you think guys, who is the best looking?? haha. Are they more gorgeous than Irfan Bachdim?
Well they have incredible players and some of them are naturalization players. Let see who are them.
^Phil has ever played for Chelsea Youth Team during 8 years (1997-2005) then he joined to Senior team. His contract with Chelsea ended in 2008 then he moved to Philippines.
^He plays as forward
^He scored a goal when Philippines beat Vietnam in AFF Cup last 5 December
^Philip James Placer Younghusband is an English-Filipino born in England, 4 August 1987. His brother, James, also plays for The Philippines National Team.
^Do you agree with me guys, that this guy seems like Josh Hartnett? ((:

^James also played for Chelsea Youth Team and Senior Team since 1996 til 2006. He has ever played for Wimbledon.
^He plays as right-winger.
^He scored when Philippines face Laos in AFF Cup Qualification last October.
^James Joseph Placer Younghusband born in England, 4 September 1986.

^Neil played for Chelsea Youth Team til 2006 then he currently playing for Fulham.
^Neil plays as goalkeeper.
^Neil Leonard Dula Etheridge is an English-Filipino born in Enfield, London, 7 February 1990.
^He played as striker in his early carier, then he converts into goalkeeper.
And how do you think guys, who is the best looking?? haha. Are they more gorgeous than Irfan Bachdim?
[MOSAIC] Perhitungan Umur di Korea
Hari ini ulang tahun Choi Minho, personil boyband Korea, SHINee. Namanya nangkring aja tuh di Trending Topic Worldwide. Pas aku browse TT-nya kebanyakan yang ngeTwit orang Indonesia. :0 emang deh kpopers Indonesia ga ada matinya.
Terus aku nemuin salah satu tweet “Happy 20th Birthday Choi Minho” !! *plak* lah bukannya si Minho kelahiran tahun 1991? Harusnya 19 tahun dong?
Buat memperjelas akhirnya aku ngTwit “hari ini Choi Minho genap 19 tahun kan?” kebetulan followers-ku juga ada Shawol-nya. Tapi yang mention justru fanbase-nya SHINee si @justSHAWOLS. Dia bilang “In international 19th, in Korea 20” *ngek*
Akhirnya aku browsing dan ini hasilnya:
Untuk menghitung umur di Korea ternyata harus ditambahin 1 tahun karena dihitung sejak dalam kandungan dimana 9 bulan itu digenapkan 1 tahun. Jadi umur Choi Minho yang di internasional terhitung 19 tahun, di Korea menjadi 20 tahun. Ck ck ck kasihan dituakan *eh
Terus aku nemuin salah satu tweet “Happy 20th Birthday Choi Minho” !! *plak* lah bukannya si Minho kelahiran tahun 1991? Harusnya 19 tahun dong?
Buat memperjelas akhirnya aku ngTwit “hari ini Choi Minho genap 19 tahun kan?” kebetulan followers-ku juga ada Shawol-nya. Tapi yang mention justru fanbase-nya SHINee si @justSHAWOLS. Dia bilang “In international 19th, in Korea 20” *ngek*
Akhirnya aku browsing dan ini hasilnya:
Untuk menghitung umur di Korea ternyata harus ditambahin 1 tahun karena dihitung sejak dalam kandungan dimana 9 bulan itu digenapkan 1 tahun. Jadi umur Choi Minho yang di internasional terhitung 19 tahun, di Korea menjadi 20 tahun. Ck ck ck kasihan dituakan *eh
Daydreamer Tale
Blanket and pillows are my partners.
Dreaming is my activity.
Yawning is my part time job.
Night is my day work.
Wake up call is my rival.
Daydreamer is what people calling me.
Dreaming is my activity.
Yawning is my part time job.
Night is my day work.
Wake up call is my rival.
Daydreamer is what people calling me.
Ulangan MYOB
=Kamis, 9 Desember 2010=
Akhir-akhir ini saia agak susah tidur lelap. Tidur saia kek orang lagi terlilit utang. Ya Allah. Biasanya tidur 8 jam sehari plus tidur siang 4 jam (kebo banget), akhir-akhir ini cuma 6-7 jam tanpa tidur siang. Sebenernya mungkin biasa aja yah tapi buat saia ga biasa haha.
Ya udah deh lupakan soal tidur. Btw, hari ini saia ada ulangan komputer akuntansi yang bekennya dipanggil MYOB (Mind Your Own Business). Habis istirahat 4 hari harus perang lagi. Kali ini ulangan teori sama praktek dan sistem pengawasannya ga terlalu ketat haha.
Pagi-pagi agak telat keluar kandang (baca: rumah). Nah trus ada 3 bus lewat lagi balapan kali yah. Saia lambaikan tangan ga ada yang mau berenti tuh. Euh ngenes banged /: Akhirnya ada satu bis yang mungkin ga laku kali yah—soalnya penumpangnya masih dikit—mau berenti buat ngangkut saia seorang haha.
Sampai di sekolahan, gedungnya lagi direnovasi, jalannya jadi sempit plus becek ga ada ojek males deh jek. Halah! Anak-anak kelas X sama kelas XI masih ada yang UAS. Saia langsung nyerbu mushola soalnya itu basecamp-nya kelasku tercinta. Wahihi.
Temenku, siapa yah lupa, ngemeng “tuh nilai English udah dipajang di depan ruang kapro” eh buset saia langsung meluncur ke TKP bareng temen saia yang lain. Daaaaan eng-ing-eng dapet 8 !! Ah elah ga ada embel-embelnya. 9 kek. Dasar nasib dari dulu nilai segitu-gitu aja. Ga apa lah toh saia emang bukan orang Inggris /: *sigh*
Lupakan English. Cuma bikin frustasi aje. Nah ulangan MYOB ini mulai jam setengah 8 kurang. Saia sebagai absen 17 masuk gelombang pertama ujian praktek sementara absen 21 ke bawah pada ujian teori. Untung seribu untung saia duduk sama temen saia yang cerdas. Dia ngerjain ujian teori dan saia ujian praktek. Yah sedikit nanya gitu deh soal retur yang jelas. Ok ini random banget. Kerjaan saia sih lancar-lancar saja. Alhamdulillah "OUT OF BALANCE" selalu bernominal "Rp 0,-" ((: selanjutnya yang random adalah menghitung PPh. Mana harus tau labanya berapa, trus diitung pake lapisan tarif pajak. Laba saia ketemu di akun "CURRENT EARNINGS" yang seharusnya di akun "INCOME SUMMARY" sebesar Rp 159.659.500,- trus PPh-nya Rp 26.164.875,- hapal banget deh. Trus laba akhirnya Rp 133.464.500. Guruku tercinta, Pak Insan langsung nilai pekerjaanku daaaaannn jeng jeng jeng *bunyi gitar schecter* “wah bagus ini bener. Nilainya 10. Absen berapa mbak?” saia senyam senyum “tujuh belas, pak”. Horaaaaaay!!! Akhirnya kerjaanku beres juga nih. Seumur hidup perasaan ngerjain MYOB trouble mulu. Alhamdulillah Ya Allah engkau berikan kenikmatan yang luar biasa untuk hidup saia.
Setelah itu gelombang 2 masuk giliran gelombang 1 ujian teori MYOB. Naaah saia cuma butuh 30 menit untuk 30 soal karena ujian teori sama aja ujian praktek yang diteorikan \m/ pulang cepet deh. Coba kalo saia gelombang 2 pasti jam 12-an baru pulang. Wahihi ((:
Keluar dari lab Akuntansi dapet nilai IPA. Cuma dapet 8,3. Yasudahlah daripada dapet 7 mulu, bosen!!
At least, nilai saia lebih baik daripada mid-test kemarin. Ini jadi gambaran apa saia udah siap nempuh Ujian Akhir apa belum. Ya Allah lancarkanlah jalan Hamba menuju kehidupan yang lebih nyata. Semoga saia kompeten di ujian LSP (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi) dan lulus dengan nilai yang memuaskan di Ujian Praktek, Ujian Sekolah, serta Ujian Nasional. Amin XD
Akhir-akhir ini saia agak susah tidur lelap. Tidur saia kek orang lagi terlilit utang. Ya Allah. Biasanya tidur 8 jam sehari plus tidur siang 4 jam (kebo banget), akhir-akhir ini cuma 6-7 jam tanpa tidur siang. Sebenernya mungkin biasa aja yah tapi buat saia ga biasa haha.
Ya udah deh lupakan soal tidur. Btw, hari ini saia ada ulangan komputer akuntansi yang bekennya dipanggil MYOB (Mind Your Own Business). Habis istirahat 4 hari harus perang lagi. Kali ini ulangan teori sama praktek dan sistem pengawasannya ga terlalu ketat haha.
Pagi-pagi agak telat keluar kandang (baca: rumah). Nah trus ada 3 bus lewat lagi balapan kali yah. Saia lambaikan tangan ga ada yang mau berenti tuh. Euh ngenes banged /: Akhirnya ada satu bis yang mungkin ga laku kali yah—soalnya penumpangnya masih dikit—mau berenti buat ngangkut saia seorang haha.
Sampai di sekolahan, gedungnya lagi direnovasi, jalannya jadi sempit plus becek ga ada ojek males deh jek. Halah! Anak-anak kelas X sama kelas XI masih ada yang UAS. Saia langsung nyerbu mushola soalnya itu basecamp-nya kelasku tercinta. Wahihi.
Temenku, siapa yah lupa, ngemeng “tuh nilai English udah dipajang di depan ruang kapro” eh buset saia langsung meluncur ke TKP bareng temen saia yang lain. Daaaaan eng-ing-eng dapet 8 !! Ah elah ga ada embel-embelnya. 9 kek. Dasar nasib dari dulu nilai segitu-gitu aja. Ga apa lah toh saia emang bukan orang Inggris /: *sigh*
Lupakan English. Cuma bikin frustasi aje. Nah ulangan MYOB ini mulai jam setengah 8 kurang. Saia sebagai absen 17 masuk gelombang pertama ujian praktek sementara absen 21 ke bawah pada ujian teori. Untung seribu untung saia duduk sama temen saia yang cerdas. Dia ngerjain ujian teori dan saia ujian praktek. Yah sedikit nanya gitu deh soal retur yang jelas. Ok ini random banget. Kerjaan saia sih lancar-lancar saja. Alhamdulillah "OUT OF BALANCE" selalu bernominal "Rp 0,-" ((: selanjutnya yang random adalah menghitung PPh. Mana harus tau labanya berapa, trus diitung pake lapisan tarif pajak. Laba saia ketemu di akun "CURRENT EARNINGS" yang seharusnya di akun "INCOME SUMMARY" sebesar Rp 159.659.500,- trus PPh-nya Rp 26.164.875,- hapal banget deh. Trus laba akhirnya Rp 133.464.500. Guruku tercinta, Pak Insan langsung nilai pekerjaanku daaaaannn jeng jeng jeng *bunyi gitar schecter* “wah bagus ini bener. Nilainya 10. Absen berapa mbak?” saia senyam senyum “tujuh belas, pak”. Horaaaaaay!!! Akhirnya kerjaanku beres juga nih. Seumur hidup perasaan ngerjain MYOB trouble mulu. Alhamdulillah Ya Allah engkau berikan kenikmatan yang luar biasa untuk hidup saia.
Setelah itu gelombang 2 masuk giliran gelombang 1 ujian teori MYOB. Naaah saia cuma butuh 30 menit untuk 30 soal karena ujian teori sama aja ujian praktek yang diteorikan \m/ pulang cepet deh. Coba kalo saia gelombang 2 pasti jam 12-an baru pulang. Wahihi ((:
Keluar dari lab Akuntansi dapet nilai IPA. Cuma dapet 8,3. Yasudahlah daripada dapet 7 mulu, bosen!!
At least, nilai saia lebih baik daripada mid-test kemarin. Ini jadi gambaran apa saia udah siap nempuh Ujian Akhir apa belum. Ya Allah lancarkanlah jalan Hamba menuju kehidupan yang lebih nyata. Semoga saia kompeten di ujian LSP (Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesi) dan lulus dengan nilai yang memuaskan di Ujian Praktek, Ujian Sekolah, serta Ujian Nasional. Amin XD
Rabu, 08 Desember 2010
[LYRIC] Back To December by Taylor Swift
I’m so glad you made time to see me
How ’s life, tell me how’s your family
I haven’t seen them in a while
You ’ve been good, busier than ever
Small talk, work and the weather
Your guard is up and I know why
Because the last time you saw me
Is still burning in the back of your mind
You gave me roses and I left them there to die
So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time.
It turns out freedom ain ’t nothing but
missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December
turn around and make it all right
I go back to December all
the time.
These days I haven’t been sleeping
Staying up late playing
back myself leaving
When your birthday passed and I didn ’t call
Then I think about
All the beautiful times I watched you laughing
from the passenger side
And realized I loved you in the fall
And then the cold came and the dark days
When fear crept into my mind
You gave me all your love
And all I gave you was goodbye
So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you
saying I ’m sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time.
It turns out freedom ain ’t nothing but
missing you
Wishing I realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December
turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time.
I miss your texting, your
sweet smiles.
So good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms that
September night
The first time you ever saw me cry
Maybe this is wishful thinking
Probably mindless
If we loved again I swear
I ’d love you right
I’d go back in time and
change it but I can’t
So if the chain is in your door I understand
But this is me swallowing
my pride standing in front
of you saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December
It turns out freedom ain't
nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I
had when you were mine
I'd go back to December
turn around and make it all right
I'd go back to December
turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time
All the time
How ’s life, tell me how’s your family
I haven’t seen them in a while
You ’ve been good, busier than ever
Small talk, work and the weather
Your guard is up and I know why
Because the last time you saw me
Is still burning in the back of your mind
You gave me roses and I left them there to die
So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time.
It turns out freedom ain ’t nothing but
missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December
turn around and make it all right
I go back to December all
the time.
These days I haven’t been sleeping
Staying up late playing
back myself leaving
When your birthday passed and I didn ’t call
Then I think about
All the beautiful times I watched you laughing
from the passenger side
And realized I loved you in the fall
And then the cold came and the dark days
When fear crept into my mind
You gave me all your love
And all I gave you was goodbye
So this is me swallowing my pride
Standing in front of you
saying I ’m sorry for that night
And I go back to December all the time.
It turns out freedom ain ’t nothing but
missing you
Wishing I realized what I had when you were mine
I go back to December
turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time.
I miss your texting, your
sweet smiles.
So good to me, so right
And how you held me in your arms that
September night
The first time you ever saw me cry
Maybe this is wishful thinking
Probably mindless
If we loved again I swear
I ’d love you right
I’d go back in time and
change it but I can’t
So if the chain is in your door I understand
But this is me swallowing
my pride standing in front
of you saying I'm sorry for that night
And I go back to December
It turns out freedom ain't
nothing but missing you
Wishing I'd realized what I
had when you were mine
I'd go back to December
turn around and make it all right
I'd go back to December
turn around and change my own mind
I go back to December all the time
All the time
Selasa, 07 Desember 2010
JAKARTA, 7 Des—Indonesia mengkandaskan laju Thailand untuk lolos ke semifinal usai mempecundangi Tim Gajah Putih dengan skor 2-1.
Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno didominasi oleh warna merah dari para suporter tim Garuda. Mulai dari suporter yang memang biasa hadir di stadion sampai para artis tak mau ketinggalan melihat aksi timnas Merah Putih meski laga tersebut tidak berarti banyak bagi Indonesia.
Pada awal babak pertama kedua tim bermain ketat dan skor kacamata pun bertahan hingga turun minum.
Babak kedua berjalan lebih menegangkan karena berulang kali Tim Gajah Putih mengancam gawang Markus Harison. Ball possesion pun didominasi oleh Thailand. Hingga akhirnya Thailand mampu mencetak gol lebih dulu oleh Suree Sukha.
10 menit terakhir menjelang pertandingan usai, keadaan berbalik menyusul 2 penalty pada menit ke 81 dan 89 yang diberikan wasit asal Jepang akibat pelanggaran yang dibuat pemain Thailand di kotak terlarang. Bambang Pamungkas sukses mengeksekusi kedua penalty tersebut. Indonesia menang dengan skor akhir 2-1.
Dengan hasil ini Indonesia lolos ke semifinal dengan nilai sempurna 9 poin dari 3 pertandingan. Sementara Thailand yang memiliki sejarah head-to-head yang bagus melawan Indonesia harus tersingkir lebih awal.
Malaysia yang mengatasi Laos dengan skor 5-1 berhak menemani Indonesia ke semifinal Piala AFF.
Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno didominasi oleh warna merah dari para suporter tim Garuda. Mulai dari suporter yang memang biasa hadir di stadion sampai para artis tak mau ketinggalan melihat aksi timnas Merah Putih meski laga tersebut tidak berarti banyak bagi Indonesia.
Pada awal babak pertama kedua tim bermain ketat dan skor kacamata pun bertahan hingga turun minum.
Babak kedua berjalan lebih menegangkan karena berulang kali Tim Gajah Putih mengancam gawang Markus Harison. Ball possesion pun didominasi oleh Thailand. Hingga akhirnya Thailand mampu mencetak gol lebih dulu oleh Suree Sukha.
10 menit terakhir menjelang pertandingan usai, keadaan berbalik menyusul 2 penalty pada menit ke 81 dan 89 yang diberikan wasit asal Jepang akibat pelanggaran yang dibuat pemain Thailand di kotak terlarang. Bambang Pamungkas sukses mengeksekusi kedua penalty tersebut. Indonesia menang dengan skor akhir 2-1.
Dengan hasil ini Indonesia lolos ke semifinal dengan nilai sempurna 9 poin dari 3 pertandingan. Sementara Thailand yang memiliki sejarah head-to-head yang bagus melawan Indonesia harus tersingkir lebih awal.
Malaysia yang mengatasi Laos dengan skor 5-1 berhak menemani Indonesia ke semifinal Piala AFF.
[QUOTES] Friendship
“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget. ”
“A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are. ”
“If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you. ” — Winnie the Pooh
“Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Christopher Robin to Pooh ”
“To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.” — Brandi Snyder
“If you make friends with yourself you will never be alone.” — Maxwell Maltz
“A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked” — Bernard Meltzer
Thanks to be my friends. Eventho you've never admitted me as your friend. But thanks ((:
“A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are. ”
“If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day, so I never have to live without you. ” — Winnie the Pooh
“Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Christopher Robin to Pooh ”
“To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.” — Brandi Snyder
“If you make friends with yourself you will never be alone.” — Maxwell Maltz
“A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked” — Bernard Meltzer
Thanks to be my friends. Eventho you've never admitted me as your friend. But thanks ((:
[QUOTES] Bill Shankly
“If you're not sure what to do with the ball, just pop it in the net and we'll discuss your options afterwards.”
“Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple.”
“The trouble with referees is that they know the rules, but they do not know the game.”
“This city has two great teams - Liverpool and Liverpool reserves.”
“What a great day for football, all we need is some green grass and a ball.”
“Aim for the sky and you'll reach the ceiling. Aim for the ceiling and you'll stay on the floor.”
“Me having no education. I had to use my brains.”
“Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that.”
“A lot of football success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.”
“When I've got nothing better to do, I look down the league table to see how Everton are getting along.”
“That money is out there, and needs to be generated in order to have enough to operate on. ”
“If (Alamo) paid that (delinquency), that would give our jurisdiction that much more to operate on.”
“Football is a simple game based on the giving and taking of passes, of controlling the ball and of making yourself available to receive a pass. It is terribly simple.”
“The trouble with referees is that they know the rules, but they do not know the game.”
“This city has two great teams - Liverpool and Liverpool reserves.”
“What a great day for football, all we need is some green grass and a ball.”
“Aim for the sky and you'll reach the ceiling. Aim for the ceiling and you'll stay on the floor.”
“Me having no education. I had to use my brains.”
“Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I assure you, it's much more serious than that.”
“A lot of football success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.”
“When I've got nothing better to do, I look down the league table to see how Everton are getting along.”
“That money is out there, and needs to be generated in order to have enough to operate on. ”
“If (Alamo) paid that (delinquency), that would give our jurisdiction that much more to operate on.”
About This Early Morning
Early Morning. It describes cold, dark, quiet, yawn, smell mouth, stomach rumbles, haha too much for me.
Yeah but this early morning we (liverpool fans) have got some good news, good result, and good record. What are they?
☺ Leo Torres
Before Liverpool vs Aston Villa match kicked off, I saw my timeline was full of baby Torres. What???? Then someone posts “Fernando wont play against Villa because his wife into labour”. OLALLA IS INTO LABOUR. Really excited. Then everyone talked about it. The baby is a boy named Leo Torres. Aww he's next Fernando Torres. Someday we will say to him that his dad once legend in Liverpool. Then I imagine tha Leo will play with Jontxu (Xabi's son) someday in Spain National Team or even in Liverpool FC. Amen.
☺ LIVERPOOL 3-0 Aston Villa
Babel replaced Nando and associated with Ngog. Ok. I was just prayed, wish we win the game eventho without Stevie, Carra, and Nando. Well, great result!! Liverpool won 3-0 against Villa at Anfield. Boooyeaaahhh. Those three goals scored by David Ngog, Ryan Babel, and Maxi Rodriguez. Amazing match!! And Pepe Reina noted this match as his 100th cleansheet for him. Wowwwww \(^o^)/
Anyway Liverpool ups into 8th place of EPL tab with 22pts. It's near big four you know *gives applause* but it's still different 7pts from 4th place, Manchester City. Keep struggling lads!!! YNWA
☺ Xabi Alonso Looked At Anfield
Do you remember Xabi Alonso? Yeah our ex playmaker. He looked at tribune during Liverpool vs Aston Villa match. Aww apparently not only Gerard Houllier and Stephen Warnock who came back at Anfield but also Xabi Alonso. Yes he has to absent in UCL because of he got redcard when RM vs Ajax match. Thats why probably he took trip to Liverpool ((: I know he is supporting the Reds so bad eventho he isn't playing for them anymore. We miss you Xabi. My pride. My soul. Haha overrated.
Well thats all the reasons why I'm so glad this morning beside it's Hijri New Year. Happy New Year 1432 H for all Muslims over the world. May this year better than before. Amen. ☺
Yeah but this early morning we (liverpool fans) have got some good news, good result, and good record. What are they?
☺ Leo Torres
Before Liverpool vs Aston Villa match kicked off, I saw my timeline was full of baby Torres. What???? Then someone posts “Fernando wont play against Villa because his wife into labour”. OLALLA IS INTO LABOUR. Really excited. Then everyone talked about it. The baby is a boy named Leo Torres. Aww he's next Fernando Torres. Someday we will say to him that his dad once legend in Liverpool. Then I imagine tha Leo will play with Jontxu (Xabi's son) someday in Spain National Team or even in Liverpool FC. Amen.
☺ LIVERPOOL 3-0 Aston Villa
Babel replaced Nando and associated with Ngog. Ok. I was just prayed, wish we win the game eventho without Stevie, Carra, and Nando. Well, great result!! Liverpool won 3-0 against Villa at Anfield. Boooyeaaahhh. Those three goals scored by David Ngog, Ryan Babel, and Maxi Rodriguez. Amazing match!! And Pepe Reina noted this match as his 100th cleansheet for him. Wowwwww \(^o^)/
Anyway Liverpool ups into 8th place of EPL tab with 22pts. It's near big four you know *gives applause* but it's still different 7pts from 4th place, Manchester City. Keep struggling lads!!! YNWA
☺ Xabi Alonso Looked At Anfield
Do you remember Xabi Alonso? Yeah our ex playmaker. He looked at tribune during Liverpool vs Aston Villa match. Aww apparently not only Gerard Houllier and Stephen Warnock who came back at Anfield but also Xabi Alonso. Yes he has to absent in UCL because of he got redcard when RM vs Ajax match. Thats why probably he took trip to Liverpool ((: I know he is supporting the Reds so bad eventho he isn't playing for them anymore. We miss you Xabi. My pride. My soul. Haha overrated.
Well thats all the reasons why I'm so glad this morning beside it's Hijri New Year. Happy New Year 1432 H for all Muslims over the world. May this year better than before. Amen. ☺
Senin, 06 Desember 2010

*backsound You've Got A Friend*
Sebenarnya saia sering liat tweets bule UK sono pada ngemengin McFLY dan sejak itu saia agak 'interested' cuma ga nyoba cari lagu mereka hehe..
Nah kemudian saia ketemu bule Spanyol yang tiba-tiba ngetweet saia yah tentang Xabi awalnya. Kami terlibat obrolan panjang hingga akhirnya dia nanya musik favorit saia. Saia jawab aja rock alternative. Trus dia nanya saia suka McFLY ga? Saia jawab jujur, saia ga pernah denger lagu mereka. Terus dia 'suggest' saia lagu POV (Point Of View). Capcus dah saia ngunduh di dilandau. Pas dengerin, SUMPAH LAGUNYA EMOSIONAL DAN KECE ABIS! INI GUE BANGED!
Lantas saia googling tentang McFLY dan inilah yang saia dapatkan:
McFLY merupakan grup pop rock Inggris yang didirikan pada 2004. Anggotanya 4 pemuda, Tom (lead vocal, guitar), Danny (lead vocal, guitar), Dougie (backing vocal, bass), dan Harry (drum). Nama McFLY diambil dari nama karakter utama di trilogi Back to the Future, Marty McFLY.
Mereka sudah menelurkan beberapa album di antaranya Room On The Fird Floor, Wonderland, Motion In The Ocean, All The Greatest Hits (album kompilasi), Radio:ACTIVE, dan yang terbaru Above The Noise. Single mereka di antaranya Hypnotised, One for the Radio, Party Girl, Do Ya/Stay With Me, You've Got A Friend, POV, dan masih banyak lagi.
*ganti backsound: POV*
Tapi kenalan dulu yah sama abang-abang personilnya.
Nama Lengkap: Harold Mark Christopher Judd
Lahir: 23 Desember 1985
Posisi: drum

☺ Dougie Poynter
Nama Lengkap: Douglas Lee Poynter
Lahir: 30 November 1987
Posisi: bass, backing vocal

☺ Danny Jones
Nama Lengkap: Daniel Alan David Jones
Lahir: 12 Maret 1986
Posisi: lead vocal, guitar

☺ Tom Fletcher
Nama Lengkap: Thomas Michael Fletcher
Lahir: 17 Juni 1985
Posisi: lead vocal, guitar
[QUOTES] Funny by Footballers, Managers, and Commentators
“I couldn't settle in Italy - it was like living in a foreign country.” — Ian Rush
“I definitely want Brooklyn to be christened, but I don't know into what religion yet.” — David Beckham
“I always used to put my right boot on first, and then obviously my right sock.” — Barry Venison
“One accusation you can't throw at me is that I've always done my best.” — Alan Shearer
“I would not be bothered if we lost every game as long as we won the league.” — Mark Viduka
“We lost because we didn't win.” — Ronaldo
“I've had 14 bookings this season - 8 of which were my fault, but 7 of which were disputable.” — Paul Gascoigne
“I'd like to play for an Italian club, like Barcelona.” — Mark Draper
“I was watching the Blackburn game on TV on Sunday when it flashed on the screen that George Ndah had scored in the first minute at Birmingham. My first reaction was to ring him up. Then I remembered he was out there playing.” — Ade Akinbiyi
“He's 31 this year: last year he was 30.” — David Coleman
“Peru score their third, and It's 3-1 to Scotland.” — David Coleman
“Martin O'Neill, standing, hands on hips, stroking his chin.” — Mike Ingham
“Such a positive move by Uruguay - bringing 2 players off and putting 2 players on.” — John Helm
“And with just 4 minutes gone, the score is already 0-0.” — Ian Darke
“Sporting Lisbon in their green and white hoops, looking like a team of zebras.” — Peter Jones
“Forest have now lost six matches without winning.” — David Coleman
“As I've said before and I've said it in the past...” — Kenny Dalglish
“The first 90 minutes are the most important.” — Bobby Robson
“In a year's time, he's a year older.” — Bobby Robson
“I couldn't settle in Italy - it was like living in a foreign country.” — Ian Rush
“I definitely want Brooklyn to be christened, but I don't know into what religion yet.” — David Beckham
“I always used to put my right boot on first, and then obviously my right sock.” — Barry Venison
“One accusation you can't throw at me is that I've always done my best.” — Alan Shearer
“I would not be bothered if we lost every game as long as we won the league.” — Mark Viduka
“We lost because we didn't win.” — Ronaldo
“I've had 14 bookings this season - 8 of which were my fault, but 7 of which were disputable.” — Paul Gascoigne
“I'd like to play for an Italian club, like Barcelona.” — Mark Draper
“I was watching the Blackburn game on TV on Sunday when it flashed on the screen that George Ndah had scored in the first minute at Birmingham. My first reaction was to ring him up. Then I remembered he was out there playing.” — Ade Akinbiyi
“He's 31 this year: last year he was 30.” — David Coleman
“Peru score their third, and It's 3-1 to Scotland.” — David Coleman
“Martin O'Neill, standing, hands on hips, stroking his chin.” — Mike Ingham
“Such a positive move by Uruguay - bringing 2 players off and putting 2 players on.” — John Helm
“And with just 4 minutes gone, the score is already 0-0.” — Ian Darke
“Sporting Lisbon in their green and white hoops, looking like a team of zebras.” — Peter Jones
“Forest have now lost six matches without winning.” — David Coleman
“As I've said before and I've said it in the past...” — Kenny Dalglish
“The first 90 minutes are the most important.” — Bobby Robson
“In a year's time, he's a year older.” — Bobby Robson
Minggu, 05 Desember 2010
[LYRIC] POV (Point Of View) by McFLY
I'm getting tired of asking,
This is the final time,
So did I make you happy?
Because you cried an ocean,
But there's a thousand lines,
About the way you smile,
Written in my mind,
But every single word's a lie.
I never wanted everything
to end this way,
But you can take the bluest sky and turn it grey.
I swore to you that I would
do my best to change,
But you said it don't matter,
I'm looking at you from another point of view,
I don't know how the hell I fell in love with you,
I'd never wish for anyone to feel the way I do.
Is this a sign from Heaven,
Showing me the light?
Was this supposed to happen?
I'm better off without you,
So you can leave tonight,
And don't you dare come back and try to make things
'Cause I'll be ready for a fight, yeah.
I never wanted everything
to end this way,
But you can take the bluest sky and turn it grey.
I swore to you that I would
do my best to change,
But you said it don't matter,
I'm looking at you from another point of view,
I don't know how the hell I fell in love with you,
I'd never wish for anyone to
feel the way I do.
I never thought everything to end this way,
But you can take the bluest sky and turn it grey.
I swore to you that I would
do my best to change,
But you said it don't matter,
I'm looking at you from another point of view,
I don't know how the hell I fell in love with you,
I'd never wish for anyone to
feel the way I do.
And you said, and you said,
and you said,
And you said, and you said,
and you said,
(I do)
And you said it don't matter.
(I do)
And you said, and you said,
and you said,
And you said, and you said,
and you said,
(I do)
And you said it don't matter.
(I do)
And you said, and you said,
and you said,
And you said, and you said,
and you said,
(I do)
And you said it don't matter.
And you said, and you said,
and you said,
And you said, and you said,
and you said,
And you said it don't matter.
This is the final time,
So did I make you happy?
Because you cried an ocean,
But there's a thousand lines,
About the way you smile,
Written in my mind,
But every single word's a lie.
I never wanted everything
to end this way,
But you can take the bluest sky and turn it grey.
I swore to you that I would
do my best to change,
But you said it don't matter,
I'm looking at you from another point of view,
I don't know how the hell I fell in love with you,
I'd never wish for anyone to feel the way I do.
Is this a sign from Heaven,
Showing me the light?
Was this supposed to happen?
I'm better off without you,
So you can leave tonight,
And don't you dare come back and try to make things
'Cause I'll be ready for a fight, yeah.
I never wanted everything
to end this way,
But you can take the bluest sky and turn it grey.
I swore to you that I would
do my best to change,
But you said it don't matter,
I'm looking at you from another point of view,
I don't know how the hell I fell in love with you,
I'd never wish for anyone to
feel the way I do.
I never thought everything to end this way,
But you can take the bluest sky and turn it grey.
I swore to you that I would
do my best to change,
But you said it don't matter,
I'm looking at you from another point of view,
I don't know how the hell I fell in love with you,
I'd never wish for anyone to
feel the way I do.
And you said, and you said,
and you said,
And you said, and you said,
and you said,
(I do)
And you said it don't matter.
(I do)
And you said, and you said,
and you said,
And you said, and you said,
and you said,
(I do)
And you said it don't matter.
(I do)
And you said, and you said,
and you said,
And you said, and you said,
and you said,
(I do)
And you said it don't matter.
And you said, and you said,
and you said,
And you said, and you said,
and you said,
And you said it don't matter.
[LYRIC] All Time Low by The Wanted
Praying won't do it
Hating won't do it
Drinking won't do it
Fighting won't knock you out
Of my head
Hiding won't hide it
Smiling won't hide it
Like I ain't tried it
Everyone's tried it now
And failed somehow
So when you gonna let me
When you gonna let me out - Out
And if you know
How do you get up from an all time low
I'm in pieces
Seems like peace is
The only thing I'll never know
How do you get up
Get up
‘Cos driving won't do it
Flying won't do it
Denying won't do it
Crying won't drown it out
What you said
When I'm standing on the yellow line
Waiting at the station
Or I'm late for work
A vital presentation
If you call me now girl
Without reservation
I would try to break through
But if you know
How do you get up from an all time low
I'm in pieces
It seems like peace is
The only thing I never know
How do you get up from an all time low
I can't even find a place to start
How do I choose between
my head and heart
Till it ceases I never know
How do you get up from an all time low
A low, (repeat)
Can you hear me
A low (repeat)
Can't you hear me
And if you know…
Repeat chorus
Hating won't do it
Drinking won't do it
Fighting won't knock you out
Of my head
Hiding won't hide it
Smiling won't hide it
Like I ain't tried it
Everyone's tried it now
And failed somehow
So when you gonna let me
When you gonna let me out - Out
And if you know
How do you get up from an all time low
I'm in pieces
Seems like peace is
The only thing I'll never know
How do you get up
Get up
‘Cos driving won't do it
Flying won't do it
Denying won't do it
Crying won't drown it out
What you said
When I'm standing on the yellow line
Waiting at the station
Or I'm late for work
A vital presentation
If you call me now girl
Without reservation
I would try to break through
But if you know
How do you get up from an all time low
I'm in pieces
It seems like peace is
The only thing I never know
How do you get up from an all time low
I can't even find a place to start
How do I choose between
my head and heart
Till it ceases I never know
How do you get up from an all time low
A low, (repeat)
Can you hear me
A low (repeat)
Can't you hear me
And if you know…
Repeat chorus
[PROFILE] The Wanted ☺
L-R : Jay, Nathan, Tom, Max, Siva
The Wanted mungkin masih asing terdengar bagi kita. Tapi boy band ini udah lumayan populer loh di kampung saia, UK. LOL.
Well, emang siapa sih The Wanted? The Wanted adalah boy band asal Irlandia yang bermarkas di London. TW terdiri dari 5 cowo gorgeous masing-masing bernama Max George, Siva Kaneswaran, Tom Parker, Jay McGuiness, dan Nathan Sykes. Debut single-nya berjudul All Time Low yang jadi peringkat 1 di chart UK bulan Agustus 2010. Albumnya sendiri rilis pada 25 Oktober 2010. Masih baru banget yah? Yep!
TW terbentuk pada 2009 melalui audisi yang diselenggarakan Jayne Collins. Ga tau juga nih saia siapa Jayne Collins. Semacam Simon Cowell kali yah hehe. Pada November 2010, TW ngumumin bakal menyelenggarakan promo tur ke Wolverhampton, London, Manchester, Nottingham, Newcastle, Glasgow, Cardiff, Brighton, Plymouth, dan Bornemouth. Yang jadi pertanyaan saia, koq ga mampir ke Liverpool yah? Disarankan nih!
TW menampilkan single ketiganya “Lose My Mind” di X Factor pada 28 November 2010.
Well, kenalan dulu yuk sama anggotanya yang masih pada muda-muda dan tentunya, ehm, cakep. Heheh
☺ Max George
Nama Lengkap: Maximilian Alberto George
Lahir: 6 September 1988
Trivia: cowo botak yang menurut saia mirip Wentworth Miller ini besar di Manchester. Sebelum jadi musisi, Max main sepakbola di klub Preston North End. Wowww \(^o^)/
☺ Siva Kaneswaran
Nama Lengkap: Siva Kaneswaran
Lahir: 16 November 1988
Trivia: ayah Siva seorang Sri Lanka dan ibunya seorang Irlandia. Dia punya kembaran namanya Kumar. Sodara kandungnya ada 6 orang. Wowww o:
☺ Tom Parker
Nama Lengkap: Tom Parker
Lahir: 4 Agustus 1988
Trivia: Tom sempat ikutan audisi X Factor tapi dia gagal di putaran pertama.
☺ Jay McGuiness
Nama Lengkap: James McGuiness
Lahir: 24 Juli 1990
Trivia: Jay tumbuh di Nottingham dan pada umur 16 tahun dia ikut Midlands Academy of Dance and Drama.
☺ Nathan Sykes
Nama lengkap: Nathan James Sykes
Lahir: 19 Juli 1993
Trivia: Nathan tumbuh di Gloucester dan merupakan anggota termuda di TW. Nama Sykes mungkin ngingetin kita sama Oliver Sykes, personil BMTH. Apakah ada hubungan keluarga di antara mereka? Jawabannya TIDAK. Heheh. Cuma kebetulan sama aja.
Sunday's full music. That's what I'm doing after passed my exams. I was downloading many songs last night then today is time to enjoy it. And what I'm listening to atm?
☺ Six Feet Under the Stars by All Time Low. It's first time I'm listening their music. So fvcking rock!!!! I love rock so bad ya kno!!!! I'm really enjoying their music. Alex's voice is awesome. Love ya..
☺ Dear Maria, Count Me In by All Time Low. It's fvcking rock!!!!! Love this song more than SFUTS <3 Rocking me more!!
☺ Iris by Goo Goo Dolls. Calming down my soul. Yes. Calming down. Calming down. Well, I love accoustic as well beside rock. Haha. Opposite sense. Sometimes I feel like have double personality. Woww. Just kidding. “I just want you to know who I am” XD
☺ The Man Who Can't Be Moved by The Script. Old song which won't be boring to listen all the time. Soft rock for calming down my temper. Yes haha. “maybe I'll get famous for the man who can't be moved, and maybe you won't mean to but you'll see me on the news”. Aww Danny's voice is wonderful. I love Irishmen btw lol
☺ All Time Low by The Wanted. Hey it's new comer. It's boyband, all members are singing and they come from Ireland. Another Irishmen (: Their lead singer's name is Max George. But I adore Jay and Nathan cos they are two youngest members haha. Crap!
☺ Chew Me Up & Spit Me Out by Cobra Starship. Well pop punk time!!!!! Increasing my temper again haha. Gabe Saporta is rocking me!!!
☺ Dear God by Avenged Sevenfold. It's like my anthem song. I play it everyday. Matt drowns my soul into deepest part of my life by his voice haha sounds overrated lol. But Zacky ftw! ((: “Dear God the only thing I ask of you is to hold her(him) when I'm not around when I'm much too far away”
☺ Gossip by You Me At Six. Yeah another British pop punk band. Like it like it. But I don't know this band as much lol. Their music is nice to listen by my ear. It's rock!!!!
☺ Grenade by Bruno Mars. The most romantic guy atm. So many girls admire him. Yes indeed his voice and songlyrics are sweet. So touching ((:
☺ I Wanna by The All American Rejects. This is one of my favorit American Rock Band. I love Tyson Ritter since he seems like my favorite Ranger on Power Rangers Ninja Storm lol. His voice is so cute haha. Love him and them ((:
☺ Love Hurts by Incubus. But I'm not in brokenheart or in love haha. Their music sounds like 70s rock band. Haha
☺ I'll Meet You There by Owl City. This my last song for today since the weather comes cloudy. I don't really like cloudy. I wanna bright Sunday. Well hope synthpop can make my mood better XD
HABS ya^^
☺ Six Feet Under the Stars by All Time Low. It's first time I'm listening their music. So fvcking rock!!!! I love rock so bad ya kno!!!! I'm really enjoying their music. Alex's voice is awesome. Love ya..
☺ Dear Maria, Count Me In by All Time Low. It's fvcking rock!!!!! Love this song more than SFUTS <3 Rocking me more!!
☺ Iris by Goo Goo Dolls. Calming down my soul. Yes. Calming down. Calming down. Well, I love accoustic as well beside rock. Haha. Opposite sense. Sometimes I feel like have double personality. Woww. Just kidding. “I just want you to know who I am” XD
☺ The Man Who Can't Be Moved by The Script. Old song which won't be boring to listen all the time. Soft rock for calming down my temper. Yes haha. “maybe I'll get famous for the man who can't be moved, and maybe you won't mean to but you'll see me on the news”. Aww Danny's voice is wonderful. I love Irishmen btw lol
☺ All Time Low by The Wanted. Hey it's new comer. It's boyband, all members are singing and they come from Ireland. Another Irishmen (: Their lead singer's name is Max George. But I adore Jay and Nathan cos they are two youngest members haha. Crap!
☺ Chew Me Up & Spit Me Out by Cobra Starship. Well pop punk time!!!!! Increasing my temper again haha. Gabe Saporta is rocking me!!!
☺ Dear God by Avenged Sevenfold. It's like my anthem song. I play it everyday. Matt drowns my soul into deepest part of my life by his voice haha sounds overrated lol. But Zacky ftw! ((: “Dear God the only thing I ask of you is to hold her(him) when I'm not around when I'm much too far away”
☺ Gossip by You Me At Six. Yeah another British pop punk band. Like it like it. But I don't know this band as much lol. Their music is nice to listen by my ear. It's rock!!!!
☺ Grenade by Bruno Mars. The most romantic guy atm. So many girls admire him. Yes indeed his voice and songlyrics are sweet. So touching ((:
☺ I Wanna by The All American Rejects. This is one of my favorit American Rock Band. I love Tyson Ritter since he seems like my favorite Ranger on Power Rangers Ninja Storm lol. His voice is so cute haha. Love him and them ((:
☺ Love Hurts by Incubus. But I'm not in brokenheart or in love haha. Their music sounds like 70s rock band. Haha
☺ I'll Meet You There by Owl City. This my last song for today since the weather comes cloudy. I don't really like cloudy. I wanna bright Sunday. Well hope synthpop can make my mood better XD
HABS ya^^
JAKARTA, 4 DES—Indonesia kembali meraup tiga poin setelah mengkandaskan usaha Laos untuk mencuri angka. Yah! Indonesia memenangkan laga kedua Piala AFF dengan skor telak 6-0.
Gol pertama dicetak oleh sang kapten kesebelasan, Firman Utina lewat titik putih setelah Christian Gonzalez dijegal pemain Laos, Saynakhonavieng Phommpanya—sulit deh ngetik nama ini. Firman dengan dingin sukses mengelabui kiper Laos.
Kemudian gol kedua diciptakan M. Ridwan yang pada laga perdana juga mencetak gol. Berikutnya Firman Utina kembali menyarangkan bola ke gawang Laos 5 menit setelah turun minum. Skor 3-0 untuk keunggulan Indonesia.
Pemain Indo-Belanda kita juga tak ketinggalan mencatatkan namanya di papan skor. Irfan Bachdim menambah keunggulan Indonesia menjadi 4-0.
Pemain pengganti Arif Suyono pada laga ini juga mencetak gol pada menit ke 75. Pesta gol Indonesia ditutup oleh pemain asal Papua, Okto Maniani.
Dengan kemenangan ini Indonesia berhasil menjuarai grup A serta lolos ke semifinal meski masih menyisakan satu laga setelah di laga lain Thailand hanya bermain imbang dengan Malaysia. Timnas Merah Putih akan menghadapi runner-up grup B di semifinal dengan sistem home and away. Semoga timnas Indonesia berhasil menyingkirkan lawan-lawannya serta mempersembahkan trofi bagi negeri ini. Semoga ini menjadi titik balik kebangkitan sepakbola Indonesia. Amin^^
JAKARTA, 4 DES—Indonesia kembali meraup tiga poin setelah mengkandaskan usaha Laos untuk mencuri angka. Yah! Indonesia memenangkan laga kedua Piala AFF dengan skor telak 6-0.
Gol pertama dicetak oleh sang kapten kesebelasan, Firman Utina lewat titik putih setelah Christian Gonzalez dijegal pemain Laos, Saynakhonavieng Phommpanya—sulit deh ngetik nama ini. Firman dengan dingin sukses mengelabui kiper Laos.
Kemudian gol kedua diciptakan M. Ridwan yang pada laga perdana juga mencetak gol. Berikutnya Firman Utina kembali menyarangkan bola ke gawang Laos 5 menit setelah turun minum. Skor 3-0 untuk keunggulan Indonesia.
Pemain Indo-Belanda kita juga tak ketinggalan mencatatkan namanya di papan skor. Irfan Bachdim menambah keunggulan Indonesia menjadi 4-0.
Pemain pengganti Arif Suyono pada laga ini juga mencetak gol pada menit ke 75. Pesta gol Indonesia ditutup oleh pemain asal Papua, Okto Maniani.
Dengan kemenangan ini Indonesia berhasil menjuarai grup A serta lolos ke semifinal meski masih menyisakan satu laga setelah di laga lain Thailand hanya bermain imbang dengan Malaysia. Timnas Merah Putih akan menghadapi runner-up grup B di semifinal dengan sistem home and away. Semoga timnas Indonesia berhasil menyingkirkan lawan-lawannya serta mempersembahkan trofi bagi negeri ini. Semoga ini menjadi titik balik kebangkitan sepakbola Indonesia. Amin^^
Jumat, 03 Desember 2010
[PROFILE] Irfan Bachdim
Kemenangan telak Indonesia atas Malaysia tidak terlepas dari peran pemain bernomor punggung 17 ini. Yah Irfan Haarys Bachdim, penyerang anyar Indonesia yang merupakan keturunan Indo-Belanda.
Irfan yang dianugerahi skill mumpuni dan wajah rupawan ini langsung menarik hati jutaan rakyat Indonesia. Berkali-kali ia mengancam gawang lawan dan ikut berandil atas terciptanya gol bagi Indonesia.
Well, saya sudah mengenal wajah Irfan Bachdim dua tahun lalu ketika dia diisukan akan memperkuat timnas Indonesia. Irfan pernah muncul di majalah BOLA di rubrik Liga Eropa. FYI, Irfan sempat bermain bersama klub Eredivisie Liga Belanda, FC Utrecht, selama 6 tahun baik di tim junior maupun senior. Ia merupakan jebolan akademi Ajax Amsterdam.
Pemain kelahiran Amsterdam, 11 Agustus 1988 ini akhirnya direkrut tim Liga Super Indonesia, Persema di tahun ini. Irfan resmi menjadi WNI pada awal Oktober.
Lewat akun twitternya, Irfan kerap meng-update statusnya yang sedang berlatih bersama timnas Indonesia. Pertama kali saya follow dia, followers-nya masih 200+. Nampaknya Irfan memang belum setenar itu di Indonesia.
Irfan menjadi starter di laga uji coba melawan Timor Leste yang berkesudahan 6-0 bagi Indonesia. Namun Irfan tidak berhasil mencetak gol.
Baru menjelang pertandingan laga perdana Suzuki AFF Cup 2010, followers naik menjadi 2000+. Ia juga sempat meng-update statusnya bahwa akhirnya dia hapal lagu kebangsaan Indonesia Raya. \((^o^))/
Penampilan memukau Irfan memunculkan berbagai pujian baik dari fans sepakbola sejati maupun fans dadakan seperti kaum wanita yang menggilai ketampanannya. Hehe.. Bachdim langsung menjadi Trending Worldwide di Twitter. Fantastis!
Usai laga followers Irfan melonjak drastis menjadi 36000+ selama 2 hari ini. Ck ck ck
Well, Irfan bisa bermain di posisi striker maupun gelandang. Namun pada laga kemarin ia berposisi striker dan menyingkirkan pemain senior, Bambang Pamungkas. Keputusan Alfred Riedl terbukti ampuh. Indonesia memenangkan laga dengan skor telak 5-1.
Quote saya: “Irfan mirip pemain AC Milan, Alexandre Pato, dilihat dari bentuk wajahnya. Ia juga memiliki tato penuh di tangan kanannya seperti Zacky Vengeance A7X.”

Rabu, 1 Des, Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno dibanjiri suporter timnas Indonesia dari seluruh penjuru negeri. Ada apa? Yep. Timnas Merah Putih kita memainkan laga perdana melawan tetangga serumpun, Malaysia, di ajang Piala AFF.
Kick-off dimulai pukul 19.30 WIB sontak dukungan dari para suporter tuan rumah bergemuruh di Senayan. Tribun dipenuhi dengan atribut Merah Putih.
Pada menit awal pertandingan, Indonesia melakukan banyak tekanan di depan gawang Malaysia. Namun Negeri Jiran terlebih dulu membuka keunggulan melalui Norshahrul Idlan yang bebas dari kawalan bek Indonesia.
Skor 1-0 untuk Malaysia tidak bertahan lama karena pada menit ke 21 Indonesia berhasil menyamakan kedudukan lewat gol bunuh diri Mohamad Asrarudin yang sempat "diganggu" pemain keturunan Belanda, Irfan Bachdim.
Indonesia kemudian berbalik unggul pada menit ke 33 setelah kapten tim, Firman Utina mengirimkan umpan pada pemain naturalisasi, Christian Gonzalez yang segera menembaknya ke arah gawang Malaysia dari luar kotak penalti. Skor 2-1 untuk keunggulan Tim Garuda.
Malaysia mencetak gol pada menit ke 40 namun gol tersebut dianulir karena Mohamad Safee sudah terlebih dahulu terjebak off-side. Skor 2-1 bertahan hingga turun minum.
Beberapa menit setelah babak kedua dimulai, M. Ridwan berhasil menceploskan bola ke gawang Malaysia lewat kerjasama apiknya dengan Ahmad Bustomi.
Kemudian di menit ke 73, pemain pengganti Arif Suyono yang baru dimasukkan selama 2 menit langsung memperbesar keunggulan tim asuhan Alfred Riedl menjadi 4-1.
Menjelang 5 menit sebelum pertandingan berakhir, Bambang Pamungkas masuk menggantikan Christian Gonzalez. Pada menit ke 90 akhirnya Irfan Bachdim berhasil mencetak gol setelah beberapa kali melakukan ancaman terhadap gawang Malaysia. Skor berakhir 5-1 untuk kemenangan Indonesia.
Kemenangan tersebut memunculkan harapan baru bagi timnas Indonesia yang sekarang diperkuat pemain naturalisasi di lini depan. Berharap kemenangan di laga perdana ini juga akan diikuti kemenangan lain di laga-laga berikutnya. Garuda Di Dadaku! Liverbird upon my chest! *eh
Rabu, 01 Desember 2010
Sekilas Tentang Kim Kurniawan
Kim Jeffrey Kurniawan |tengah|
Mungkin nama Kim Kurniawan masih terdengar asing bagi telinga orang Indonesia pada umumnya apalagi yang bukan para pecinta sepakbola.
Well, Kim adalah pemain sepakbola keturunan Indonesia-Jerman yang sempat bermain untuk klub Persema Malang di Charity Game. Kim merupakan lulusan klub Bundesliga, Karlshurer SC dan ia juga berkompetisi di Verbandsliga Nordbaden Jerman—liga yang berada satu level di bawah Bundesliga 3—bersama FC Heidelsheim.
Ibunda Kim, Uschi Kurniawan merupakan wanita asli Jerman. Sementara itu ayah Kim, Petrus Kurniawan adalah orang Indonesia. Kakek Kim, Kwee Hong Sing yang berasal dari Kudus juga seorang pesepakbola dan pernah bermain untuk Persija dan Timnas Indonesia di era 1950-an. Dari kakeknya itulah bakat sepakbola mengalir di darah pemain kelahiran Mühlacker pada 23 Maret 1990 itu.
FYI, tim favorit Kim adalah FC Barcelona dan Bayern Münich. Pemain favoritnya Lionel Messi, Cesc Fabregas, dan Xavi Hernandez.
Well, alhamdulillah saya mendapat kesempatan ngobrol bersama Kim lewat akun jejaring twitter. Berikut petikan obrolan kami.
Kim: "Yesterday Barcelona defeat Real Madrid in "el clasico" 5:0, what a wonderful game from Xavi, Iniesta, Messi !!"
Me: "did you watch the game? (:"
Kim: "yes I watched it :)"
Me: "you must be glad Barca won, right? five goals, it's amazing. how you been btw? (:"
Kim: "yes they played amazing :) I'm at the doktor right now."
Me: "get well soon. i can't wait to see you play (: when will you come back to indonesia?"
Kim: "I think in january I will come back!"
Me: "aw next month (: you said that you will study at university in indonesia. where is it? malang?"
Kim: "I don't know yet :)"
Me: "i hope you get the best decision soon (: and what are you doing now? is it midnight there? don't sleep?"
Kim: "now I will sleep! See u ;)"
Bisa dilihat betapa Kim sangat ramah dalam merespon fans-nya. Emoticon senyum pun tak ketinggalan di setiap tweet-nya. Pada waktu itu bukan hanya tweets saya yang dibalas olehnya tapi juga beberapa user lain dan ada di antaranya yang menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Perlu dicatat guys, bahasa Indonesia yang digunakan harus baku dan sesuai EYD hehe.. Tapi saya waktu itu menggunakan bahasa Inggris karena Kim pasti lebih mudah mencernanya dan mujurnya Kim selalu membalas tweets ringan saya (:
Karir klub:
☺ 1994-1996 FV Knittlingen
☺ 1996-2009 Karlsruher SC
☺ 2009-2010 FC Heidelsheim
☺ 2010-... Persema Malang
☺ Neneknya Kim berasal dari Bandung sementara kakeknya berasal dari Kudus
☺ Kim memiliki kakak perempuan bernama Jenifer dan adik laki-laki bernama Lee
☺ Makanan favorit Kim salad dengan campuran dada ayam serta bakmi goreng
☺ Penyanyi Indonesia favoritnya adalah Agnes Monica
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